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Published by the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
Editorial address:
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
Charles Street Sta., P.O. Box 500
Boston, MA 02114-0500, USA
Tel: (617) 227-8747
Fax: (617) 2279405
Subscription address:
United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
53-70 Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel.: (03) 3499-2811. Fax: (03) 3406-7345.
Telex: J25442. Cable: UNATUNIV TOKYO.
The Food and Nutrition Bulletin incorporates and continues the former PAG Bulletin of the Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations system and is published quarterly by the United Nations University in collaboration with the United Nations ACC Sub-Committee on Nutrition. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the United Nations University or the UN ACC Sub-Committee on Nutrition.
All correspondence, suggestions, comments, news, and notes should be addressed to: Food and Nutrition Bulletin, The United Nations University, Toho Seimei Building, 15-1 Shibuya 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan. All material may be freely reproduced providing acknowledgement is given and a copy of the publication containing the reproduction is sent to the Bulletin
(c) The United Nations University, 1982
ISSN 0379-5721
ISBN 92-08-0379-4
Weaning practices in urban and rural Egypt
Community-level nutrition interventions in Sri Lanka: a case study
The prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases
Questions and answers about weaning
Inventory of international and regional training courses in human nutrition
Hunger, technology and society
Non-toxic food protectants: comparative nutrition and physiology of pests in relation to the protection of processed foods
The role and status of women in post-harvest food conservation
Boosting food processing in the third World
Scientific meetings
IUNS publication
Nutrition education and food-sharing within the family
Social ecology and the breast-milk substitutes code