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Purpose To organize and implement a programme of research, training, and dissemination of knowledge, directed to the alleviation of the problems of world hunger and malnutrition.
i. To help alleviate pressing global nutrition problems through instruments of scholarship.
ii. To contribute to the continuing growth of vigorous academic and scientific communities concerned with food and nutrition, particularly in the developing countries.
iii. To increase dynamic interaction in the world-wide community of learning and research, and awareness of and interest in the problems of nutrition.
i. Identifying pressing global nutrition problems that are subject to alleviation through research, advanced training, and dissemination of knowledge and are not being adequately recognized or sufficiently dealt with by existing national and international institutions.
ii, Filling major gaps in knowledge and expertise concerning these problems through (a) promoting and organizing sustained, internationally co-ordinated networks of mission-oriented, multidisciplinary research and advanced training programmes; (b) strengthening individual and institutional capabilities, especially in developing countries; and (c) encouraging innovative approaches to the examination of these problems.
iii. Disseminating to the United Nations and its agencies, to scholars, policy-makers, and to the public, knowledge and new perspectives concerning these problems resulting from UNU activities and from other sources, thereby facilitating the development of relevant approaches and solutions.
Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama
Carretera Roosevelt, Zona 11, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Tel.
43762. Cable: INCAP GUATEMALA. Co-ordinator: Dr. Guillermo
The Nutrition Center of the Philippines (NCP)
Nutrition Center of the Philippines Bldg., South Super Highway,
Nichols Interchange, Makati, Metro Manila 3116, Philippines. Tel.
85-30-71 to 79. Cable: NUTRICEN MANILA. Co-ordinator: Dr. Rodolfo
Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI)
Mysore 570013, India. Tel. 22298. Cable: UNVERCENT MYSORE. Telex:
0846-241 FTRI IN. Co-ordinator: Dr. C.P. Natarajan.
Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA)
University of Chile,Casilla 15138,Santiago 11,Chile. Tel. 214105,
214030. Cable: INTACHILE SANTIAGO. Co-ordinator: Dr. Ricardo
Tropical Products Institute (TPI)
56-62 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X8LU, UK. Tel. 01-242-5412.
Cable: TROPRODS LONDON WC1. Co-ordinator: Dr. E.M. Thain.
Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC)
Apartado 1827, Caracas 1091, Venezuela. Tel. 6919 41. Cable:
IVICSAS CARACAS. Co-ordinator: Dr. Miguel Layrisse.
The International Food and Nutrition Policy and
Planning Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
Harvard School of Public Health (IFNP)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 20A-201,
Cambridge, Mass.
02139, USA . Tel. (617) 253-7617. Cable: MITUNATUNIV
CAMBRIDGE. Telex: 92-1473 MITCAM. Co-ordinator: Dr. Barbara
Centre for Research in Nutrition, Laval University
Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada. Tel. (4181 656-2439.
Cable: AGRAL-2BC-UL CANADA. Telex: 21-5131621.
Co-ordinator: Dr. J.C. Dillon.
Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University
of Ghana (DNFS)
PO Box 134, Legon, Ghana. Cable: UNIVERSITY LEGON.
Co-ordinator: Dr. R. Orraca-Tetteh,
Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University (INMU)
Salaya Campus, c/o Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine,
Ramathibodi Hospital, Rama Vl Road, Bangkok 4, Thailand.
Tel. 282-6435. Co-ordinator: Dr. Aree Valyasevi.
Universidad del Valle (UVC)
Apartado Aereo 20353, Cali, Colombia. Co-ordinator: Dr. Luis
National Food Research Institute
2-1-2 Kanondai, Yatabe-machi, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken 300-21,
Japan. Tel. 02975-6-8011. Co-ordinator: Dr. Shinji Matsuura.
Dr Guillermo Arroyeve, Interregional Co-ordinator for the Western Hemisphere and UNU Resident Co-ordinator*
Dr. Moisés Béhar, Chief, Nutrition Unit, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Mr. Sol H. Chafkin, Chairman, Working Group on Nutrition, Ford Foundation, New York, USA
Dr. Freda U. Chale, Nutrition Officer (Field Programme), Food Policy and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy
Dr. Wenche Barth Eide, Institute for Nutrition Research, School of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Dr. Yujiro Hayami, Faculty of Economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Hou Xiang-chuan, Professor of Nutrition and Adviser, Institute of Military Hygiene, Tienjin, People's Republic of China
Dr. Mogens Jul, Professor of Food Preservation, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr. Paul Lunven, Deputy Director, Food Policy and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy
Dr. H.A.B. Parpia, Principal Adviser, Science and Technology, Agriculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy
Dr. D. Picou, Chairman, Mount Hope Medical Complex Task Force, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Dr. Fred T. Sai, Interregional Co-ordinator for Africa, and Europe'
Prof. Tasho A. Tashev, Director, Institute of Nutrition, Sofia, BuIgaria
Dr. Roger G. Whitehead, Director, Dunn Nutritional Laboratory, University of Cambridge and Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK
*Ex-officio members
WHP Task Force on Food and Nutrition Policy and Programme
Dr. Fred Sai
Dr. Paul Lunven
Mr, Sol Chafkin
(Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw)
WHP Task Force on Post-harvest Conservation of Food
Dr. Mogens Jul
Dr. Ricardo Bressani
Dr. C.P. Natarajan
(Dr. Maria A. Tagle)
WHP Task Force on Human Nutritional Needs and Their Fulfilment
through Local Diets
Dr. Guillermo Arroyave
Dr. Barbara Underwood
Dr. Roger Whitehead
(Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw)
NPR-WHP Task Force on Bioconversion of Organic Residues for
Rural Communities
Dr. P. van der Wal, Chairman
Dr. W.H. Barreveld* (FAO)
Dr. C.A. Shacklady, Co-ordinator
Dr. E. da Silva* (UNESCO)
Dr. C.G. Hedén
Dr. N.S. Scrimshaw (UNU)
Dr. C.V. Seshadri
Dr. A.C.J. Burgers (UNU)
*In their personal capacity.
Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw, Senior Adviser
Dr. María A. Tagle, Senior Programme Officer
Dr. Urban Jonsson, Programme Officer
Mrs. Rozanne Chorlton, Assistant Programme Officer
Mrs. Audrey Yuse, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Elsie Kimi Buma, Secretary
Miss Noriko Hasegawa, Secretary
Field Staff (Pan-time)
Dr. Fred T. Sai, Interregional Co-ordinator for Africa and Europe
Dr. Guillermo Arroyave, Interregional Co-ordinator for the
Western Hemisphere
Dr. William Rand, Research Co-ordinator
Miss Jane Dittrich, Editorial Assistant
Mrs. Virginia Willis, Administrative Assistant, Cambridge
Programme Office
Mrs. Elizabeth Torrado, Secretary, Cambridge Programme Office
Protein-Energy Requirements under Conditions Prevailing in Developing Countries: Current Knowledge and Research Needs
A report on the current state of knowledge regarding protein and energy requirements and appropriate dietary allowances for people living under the conditions prevailing in developing countries and consuming local diets. It brings together much hitherto unevaluated original data- including data generated by the World Hunger Programme's own research projects- and points up the fact that present international recommendations fail to take sufficiently into account the protein-energy needs for recovery and catch-up growth following frequent acute and chronic infections and differences in the digestibility and protein quality of local diets. A principal function of the report is to provide suggestions for further needed research.
ISBN 92-808-0018-3
73 pages,16.5 x 23.5 cm, paper-bound
Bioconversion of Organic Residues for Rural Communities
A compilation of papers from a workshop on the development of techniques for the production of biomass from organic residues- focusing on the potential of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and algae to upgrade organic wastes into valuable feed products through simple fermentation processes. Especially for developing countries with predominantly rural populations it is imperative that such low-cost bioconversion techniques be fully encouraged for improvement of the socio-economic, nutritional, and health conditions of rural areas.
ISBN 92-808-0043-4
176 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound
Food Price Policies and Nutrition in Latin America
What one country does with respect to trade, tariffs, and import-export regulations affects other countries, for good or ill. What individual governments do in their own policymaking for national development affects their populations positively or negatively. The participants at a workshop co-sponsored by the UN University and the Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo (CEESTEM) in March 1978 analysed how food price policies affect the nutritional status of the populations of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. This report points out areas that need further research and suggests methods for conducting it that can be adopted by Third World Governments. It seeks also to increase the awareness of industrialized countries of the impact of their international trade policies on the citizens of developing countries.
WHTR-2/UNUP-128 ISBN 92-808-0128-7 170 pages,16.5 x 23.5cm, paper-bound US$9 00
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Purposes and structure
Academic freedom and autonomy
1. The University shall enjoy autonomy within the framework of
the United Nations. It shall also enjoy the academic freedom
required for the achievement of its objectives, with particular
reference to the choice of subjects and methods of research and
training, the selection of persons and institutions to share in
its tasks, and freedom of expression. The University shall decide
freely on the use of the financial resources allocated for the
execution of its functions....
Toho Seimei Building
15-1 Shibuya 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel: 03-499-2811
Telex: J25442