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Published by the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
Editorial address:
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
Charles Street Sta., P.O. Box 500
Boston, MA 02114-0500, USA
Tel: (617) 227-8747
Fax: (617) 2279405
Subscription address:
United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
53-70 Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel.: (03) 3499-2811. Fax: (03) 3406-7345.
Telex: J25442. Cable: UNATUNIV TOKYO.
The Food and Nutrition Bulletin incorporates and continues the former PAG Bulletin of the Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations system and is published quarterly by the World Hunger Programme of the United Nations University in collaboration with the United Nations ACC Sub-Committee on Nutrition.
All correspondence, suggestions, comments, news, and notes should be addressed to the Senior Programme Officer, World Hunger Programme, The United Nations University, Toho Seimei Building, 15-1 Shibuya 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan. All material may be freely reproduced providing acknowledgement is given and a copy of the publication containing the reproduction is sent to the Bulletin.
Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw :Senior Adviser
Dr. Maria A. Tagle :Senior Programme Officer
Mrs. Rozanne Chorlton: Assistant Programme Officer
Mrs. Audrey Yuse :Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Elsie Kimi Buma: Secretary
Field Staff (Part-time)
Dr. Fred T. Sai :Inter-Regional Co-ordinatorAfrica, West
Asia, and Europe
Dr. Guillermo Arroyeve: Inter-Regional Co-ordinatorNorth
and South America
Dr William Rand :Research Co-ordinator
(c) The United Nations University, 1979
ISSN 0379-5721
ISBN 92-808-0052-3
Single copy: US$3.00
Yearly subscription: US$10.00
Conceptual basis of the World Hunger Programme of the United Nations university
Food consumption and nutrition targets
Beyond the green revolution: some food and nutrition issues in the 1980s
Increasing the capacity of the international agencies for policy formulation and programme or project preparation in nutrition
History of breast-feeding in Chile
Post-harvest food conversation
Improvement of the nutritional quality of food legumes
Ligno-cellulosic residues: a suggestion for freeing cellulose
Infant feeding practices and the development of malnutrition in rural Gambia
Progress achieved in the field of nutrition under the new institutional arrangements
ACC/SCN series of nutrition summaries for policy-makers
Endemic goiter
Nutritional anemia
Seminar on nutrition in health and agricultural planning for national development
Nutrition education and training in schools of medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry
From the charter of the United Nations University