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States, Markets, and Just Growth: Development in the Twenty-first Century
Edited by Atul Kohli, Chung-in Moon, and Georg Sørensen
The United Nations System in the Twenty-first Century

States, Markets, and Just Growth explores the common concerns of developing countries in the quest for just growth, while also emphasizing special regional needs. The opening chapters provide a synthetic overview of the pressing shared imperatives of globalization, democracy, poverty, and inequality. The chapters that follow analyze the record of different regions and countries in achieving just growth.

The contributions to this volume are linked by a common thematic thread as each author addresses four specific issues: States, markets, and growth: How much should states intervene in the market in order to promote growth? States, markets, and distribution: How much emphasis should development strategies put on deliberate redistribution and/or poverty alleviation? Globalization: How constrained, as a result of globalization, are developing countries when choosing their development paths? Democracy: Are democracies able to reconcile economic growth with distribution?

In considering these issues, States, Markets, and Just Growth advances the proposition that well organized states that systematically incorporate popular concerns will continue to be fundamental to the pursuit of just growth in the new century.