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ISBN 92-808-0858-3
1996, 320 pages
US$35, paper
Managing Water for Peace in the Middle East:
Alternative Strategies

Masahiro Murakami

One of the most important resources for socio-economic development in arid and semi-arid countries is water, and its scarcity in the Middle East has been a key factor in war and peace-making.

The aim of this study is to provide some innovative technological answers to the fundamental question of how to sustain the water supply - now and for the future. The author evaluates several non-conventional approaches that have the potential to resolve this persistent problem, and thus contribute towards peace among the water users in the Middle East.

The author highlights the economic and environmental gains of co-generation applications and the political, economic, and technical viability of the strategic use of such resources as brackish water, sea water, and reclaimed waste water. A variety of alternatives on the transboundary transport of water are also described in full detail. The book also features a plan for the joint development of the Jordan River, Dead Sea, and Aqaba region.

As a detailed study by an engineer, this book will be of particular interest to political scientists and policy makers concerned with water issues and peace in the Middle East.

Masahiro Murakami is Professor of International Development at the Kochi University of Technology, Japan. He has served overseas water resources development projects, particularly in South-East Asia and the Middle East. His doctoral thesis (University of Tokyo, 1991) was on the Jordan River system and peace in the Middle East.

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