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ISBN 92-808-1001-4
504 pages
US$34.95, paper
International Security Management and the United Nations
Edited by Muthiah Alagappa and Takashi Inoguchi

What kind of comparative advantage does the United Nations hold in the field of security compared to other actors such as states and regional organizations? What kind of asset does the United Nations have in terms of normative as well as operational capacities that states and regional arrangements lack? What assets does the United Nations possess to effectively deal with security issues? These are some of the questions that The United Nations and the Management of Security Issues deals with.

Obviously, the ability of the United Nations to ease conflicts without the support of member states. Therefore, it is imperative to know what states expect from the world body. As a result, this book also explores the following questions: What is the vision of member states and specifically the major powers? What kind of vision do states have for the United Nations in the field of security? How can the United Nations minimize the volalitility and even reluctance of member states support in the field of security? How is it possible to organize and secure a real and effective partnership between the United Nations and member states regarding conflict prevention and conflict management? At atime when security issues are changing and becoming more complex to address, this will prove to be very useful both for students and practitioners of international affairs.

Muthiah Alagappa is senior fellow at the East-West Center, Honolulu. Takashi Inoguchi is professor at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Oriental Culture.

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