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ISBN 92-808-0926-1
1996, 314 pages
US$30, paper
Long Road to Recovery, The
Community Responses to Industrial Disaster
Edited by James K. Mitchell

The Long Road to Recovery is about community responses to types of industrial disasters that, going far beyond the routine, constitute "surprise" disasters. Straining against the limits of society's capacity to adjust, these disasters are producing unprecedented consequences, and they are emerging faster and lasting longer than ever before. This conclusion is the result of long-term case-studies of seven highly publicized industrial disasters that occurred in different arts of the world in the years between 1949 and 1989; the mercury contamination in Minamata, Japan; the underground fires in Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA; the airborne dioxin release at Seveso, Italy; the poison gas cloud in Bhopal, India; the nuclear reactor fire at Chernobyl, Ukraine; the destruction of Iran's oil facilities during the war with Iraq; and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.

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