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ISBN 92-808-1073-1
2001, 152 pages
US$16.50, paper
Financing for Development: Proposals from Business and Civil Society
Edited by Barry Herman, Federica Pietracci, and Krishnan Sharma

In Financing for Development , twenty-one authors, including business executives and civil-society activists from developing and developed countries, address the question of how to boost the financing of development. Topics covered range from micro credit to large-scale project finance; from gender and poverty to bridging the digital divide; from local to global environments for investment; from domestic to international taxation; from trade expansion to debt relief; and from official development assistance to reform of the United Nations.

Heads and senior officials of transnational and developing country financial and manufacturing enterprises have contributed to this collection. The companies represented include Bank of Asia (Thailand), Moody's Investors Service, State Street Corporation, Unilever, Alcatel, and others. Advocates and advisors of church-based and secular non-governmental organizations in the North and the South, including, among others: the International Council for Social Welfare; Third World Network Africa; Oxfam UK; Mani Tese Broedelijk Delen (International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity); and the Development Group for Alternative Policies, also contributed.

The initial versions of the proposals were presented during hearings held by the United Nations General Assembly at the end of 2000. The Assembly has been preparing a major international conference of governments and multilateral financial and trade institutions, along with business and civil society organizations, which will be held in Monterrey, Mexico, in March 2002 and which aims to adopt a set of concrete policy advances on "Financing for Development". The proposals contained in this volume constitute one of the preparatory inputs to that conference.

Table of Contents:

- Introduction - Section 1: Initiatives Focusing on the Poor
- Section 2: Domestic Institutional and Economic Reforms
- Section 3: Evolving Financial Systems and Policies
- Section 4: Proposals for Major International Initiatives


John de Wit
Zo Randramairo
Hanns Michael Hoetz
Doug Hellinger
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
April Fehling
Andre Van Heemstra
Mariama Williams
Tom Marshella
Cheryl Hessa
Marshall Carter
Roberto Rubio
Victor Valdepenas
Marina Ponti
Davide Zanoni
Chulakorn Singhakovin
Jens Maartens
Tom Niles
Bart Bode
Jenny Kimmis
Rodney Harper
Kunibert Raffer
Erika Spanger-Siegred
Tariq Banuri
Julian Disney

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