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Edited by Sumihiro Kuyama and Michael Fowler

Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the 21st Century

Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the 21st Century

Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the 21st Century
Edited by Sumihiro Kuyama and Michael Fowler

ISBN: 978-92-808-1170-4
348 pages; paper; US$36.00
September 2009

Table of Contents

Sample chapter (430 KB PDF)

The term accountability is increasingly heard at the United Nations. More than six decades after the organization’s founding, people continue to ask exactly how the UN is accountable for what it does, and many agree that enhanced UN accountability is a prerequisite to effective global governance. Nevertheless, the concept is elusive and rarely defined, and views have diverged on its proper meaning and various implications. The contributors to this volume identify key issues, raise pertinent questions, and suggest useful reforms regarding accountability in the context of the United Nations system.

Sumihiro Kuyama is Visiting Professor at the United Nations University.

Michael Fowler is Professor of Political Science at the University of Louisville.

Table of contents

Part I: General analysis of accountability in the UN context

Part II: Managerial accountability

Part III: Political accountability

Part IV: Case studies of accountability

Part V: Conclusion


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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