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Edited by M. Nadarajah and Ann Tomoko Yamamoto

Urban Crisis: Culture and the Sustainability of Cities

Urban Crisis

Urban Crisis
Edited by M. Nadarajah and Ann Tomoko Yamamoto

ISBN 92-808-1125-8
ISBN 978-92-808-1125-4
450 pages; paper; US$37.00
December 2006

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

Unprecedented urban growth makes sustainability in cities a crucial issue for policy makers, scholars and business leaders. This emerging urban crisis challenges environment-based and economic-based approaches to sustainability, and brings to the forefront the multi-faceted and critical role that culture plays in ensuring that cities are viable for future generations.

Culture provides fertile ground for new approaches to sustainable development at the local level. Urban Crisis: Culture and the Sustainability of Cities makes important contributions towards a theory on culture in sustainable cities, assesses the use of cultural indicators as a tool for policymakers, and includes useful case studies of Patan (Nepal), Penang (Malaysia), Cheongju (South Korea), and Kanazawa (Japan).

This book offers fresh insights into the role of culture in fostering community development, environmental awareness and balanced economic growth, and it will be of particular interest to students of urban studies, academics, and civil society groups working on urban issues.


M. Nadarajah is the Secretary of the Asian Communication Network (ACN) based in St. John's University, Bangkok, Thailand. Ann Tomoko Yamamoto is a PhD candidate in urban engineering at the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Contents Overview

Part I: Culture in sustainability of cities I

Part II: Four Asian case studies

Part III: Culture in sustainability of cities II



Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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