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Edited by Pierre de Senarclens and Ali Kazancigil

Regulating Globalization: Critical Approaches to Global Governance

Regulating Globalization

Regulating Globalization
Edited by Pierre de Senarclens and Ali Kazancigil

ISBN 92-808-1136-3
ISBN 978-92-808-1136-0
338 pages; paper; US$38.00
April 2007

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

While globalization is thriving, its consequences remain contradictory and controversial. Although it is an effective process in generating economic growth, it can also lead to an excessive concentration of wealth and, in some sectors, increasing inequalities within and between countries. A major explanation for such imbalances lies in regulation deficiences in economic, financial, commercial and environmental fields, due to unaccountable, undemocratic, inequitable and ineffective global governance.

The authors of this book offer critical historical and forward-looking analyses on current global governance and formulate proposals towards achieving a more accountable, transparent, participatory global governance system, together with an institutional architecture for regulating globalization that combines economic efficiency and social equity.

Emphasis is put on multi-level governance, underlining the relevance of regional governance as a link between local and global levels. A central argument in the volume is that the legitimacy of global governance is weak, and the way to make it more legitimate is to enhance the participation of State and non–State agents, give a strong role to statehood and democratic politics, and priority to public interest over private/corporate interests in global governance.


Pierre De Senarclens is Professor of International Relations at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and Vice-President of the Swiss Red Cross. Ali Kazancigil is a political scientist and the Secretary General of the International Social Science Council, Paris, France and formerly UNESCO's Assistant Director General for Social and Human Sciences.

Contents Overview


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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