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Edited by Hazel Smith and Paul Stares

Diasporas in Conflict: Peacemakers or Peace Wreckers?

Diasporas in Conflict

Diasporas in Conflict
Edited by Hazel Smith and Paul Stares

ISBN 978-92-808-1140-7
380 pages; paper; US$40.00
May 2007

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

Diasporas can have a positive and a negative impact on international politics. Groups of exiles, refugees, migrants and other forms of diaspora populations play a part in the processes and outcomes of international politics in both their native and adopted countries.

Diasporas can secure tangible and intangible resources to fuel armed conflicts, and they can provide opaque institutional and network structures that enable the transfer of arms and money to terrorist groups. More positively, diasporas can give humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict and they also support post-war reconstruction efforts. Diasporas have the potential to make powerful contributions to peace and reconciliation.

This book investigates the diverse roles of diasporas in different phases of conflict, including pre-conflict and escalatory phases, hot conflict, peacemaking and peace-building. The contributors identify patterns of diaspora intervention in conflicts and focus on leverage points for constructive interventions by global policymakers. The book brings together globally authoritative voices in the study of diasporas from the diverse disciplines of political science, sociology, cultural studies, literary theory, feminist theory and anthropology.


Hazel Smith is Professor of International Relations at the University of Warwick, UK. Paul Stares is Director of Research and Studies at the United States Institute of Peace.

Contents Overview

The analytical and conceptual framework

The case studies


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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