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Security Sector Reform and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
Edited by Albrecht Schnabel and Hans-Georg Ehrhart
ISBN 92-808-1109-6
January 2006
  358 pages
Description | Contents | Authors/Editors | Contributors
Barnes and Noble
United Nations Publications
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    Military and police forces play a crucial role in the long-term success of political, economic and cultural rebuilding efforts in post-conflict societies. Yet, while charged with the long-term task of providing a security environment conducive to rebuilding war-torn societies, internal security structures tend to lack civilian and democratic control, internal cohesion and effectiveness, and public credibility. They must be placed under democratic control and restructured and retrained to become an asset, not a liability, in the long-term peacebuilding process. External actors from other nations, regional organizations and the United Nations can be of assistance in this process, by creating a basic security environment, preventing remnants of armed groups from spoiling the fragile peacebuilding process, and by facilitating reform of the local security sector.

    This book offers analyses of an international group of academics and practicioners with direct experiences with security sector reform programmes in different parts of the world.

    "This book includes a diverse mix of international scholars and practitioners, which gives it a richness and variety that will appeal to serious observers of peacebuilding in post-conflict settings. The case studies offer the reader a useful laboratory in which comparisons can be made and observations tested. It will be useful to policymakers interested in understanding the complexity of addressing security sector reform and civil-military relations. It should appeal to military, peacekeeping, and police forces who are increasingly being asked to insert themselves in conflict zones to bring a level of stability so that peace can be built and sustained."

    Dr. W. Andy Knight, McCalla Research Professor, University of Alberta, Canada.

    Albrecht Schnabel is a Senior Research Fellow at swisspeace Swiss Peace Foundation, and a Lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, University of Bern.
    Hans-Georg Ehrhart is a Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg.


  • Post-conflict Societies and the Military
  • The Challenges of Post-conflict Peacebuilding and Security Sector Transformation
  • Security Sector Reform and Donor Policies
  • Military Forces Training for Post-conflict Peacebuilding Operations
  • Part Two: Experiences from Europe
  • Africa and Asia
  • Post-conflict Societies and the Military: Recommendations for Security Sector Reform


  • Albrecht Schnabel
  • Hans-Georg Ehrhart
  • Dylan Hendrickson
  • Andrzej Karkoszka
  • Rocky Williams
  • Fernando Isturiz
  • Biljana Vankovska
  • Allison Ritscher
  • Ekaterina A. Stepanova
  • David Darchiashvili
  • Stefan Wolff
  • Andres Serbin
  • Andres Fontana
  • Thomas Bruneau
  • Nibaldo H. Galleguillos
  • Chetan Kumar
  • Julius Waweru Karangi
  • Sophie Richardson
  • Peter Sainsbury
  • William Maley

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