Why a Staff Council?
The Staff Council serves for all UNU-wide staff, all personnel of the United Nations University, as defined in the UNU Personnel Policy, regardless of contract type.
The UN Staff Regulation that mandates the establishment of the staff representational machinery and the staff management consultative process is as follows:
Article VIII Staff Relations
Regulation 8.1: (a) The Secretary-General [The Rector] shall establish and maintain continuous contact and communication with the staff in order to ensure the effective participation of the staff in identifying, examining and resolving issues relating to staff welfare, including conditions of work, general conditions of life and other personnel policies.
(b) Staff representative bodies shall be established and shall be entitled to initiate proposals to the Secretary-General [The Rector] for the purpose set forth in subparagraph (a) above. They shall be organized in such a way as to afford equitable representation to all staff members, by means of elections that shall take place at least biennially under electoral regulations drawn up by the respective staff representative body and agreed to by the Secretary-General [The Rector].
Regulation 8.2: The Secretary-General [The Rector] shall establish joint staff-management machinery at both local and Secretariat-wide levels to advise him or her regarding personnel policies and general questions of staff welfare as provided in regulation 8.1.
Page last modified 2019.04.16.