Peace and Governance Programme
Core Staff at UNU Centre, Tokyo

Ramesh Thakur, Senior Vice Rector for Peace and Governance, is a member of UNU's senior academic staff and directs the Peace and Governance Programme. He studied at the University of Calcutta and Queen's University in Canada, where he earned his PhD. Professor Thakur was professor at the University of Otago from 1980 to 1995, and then head of the Peace Research Centre at the Australian National University.
Vesselin Popovski is Academic Programme Officer and Director of Studies on International Order and Justice. He is a former diplomat: UN Desk Officer, Bulgarian Foreign Ministry (1988-1991); First Secretary, Political Section, Bulgarian Embassy, London (1991-1996). In the last year of his diplomatic assignment he gained an M.A. in International Relations at London School of Economics and gradually shifted from diplomacy to academia with the McArthur PhD Scholarship and the Sir Morris Finer Award. His PhD (King's College, London) offers a methodology of analysis and classification of UN Security Council resolutions. Research Fellow (External) at NATO Academic Program "Democratic Institutions" (1996-98); Lecturer and M.A. Program Director (European Studies) at Exeter University, UK (1999-2002); Visiting Lecturer at the School of Law, King's College, London; the Centre for Study of Democracy, Westminster University; Huron University (USA). In 2000-2001 Dr. Popovski took part in two major international projects: the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (Canada) resulting in the Report "Responsibility to Protect" and the Princeton Project on Universal Jurisdiction, leading to the adoption of the "Princeton Principles of Universal Jurisdiction." He presented papers and chaired panels at ISA, BISA, ACUNS, Pugwash, ILA and other Conferences. His research interests and publications: Peace, Security, Intervention, Human Rights, International Criminal Court. In 2002-2004 he was recruited by the International Helsinki Federation to engage in field training of Russian human rights activists, as part of the European Union TACIS Project "Legal Protection of Individual Rights in Russia."
E-mail: Vesselin Popovski
Edward Newman, Academic Programme Officer and Director of Studies on Conflict and Security, was educated in the United Kingdom at the University of Keele and the University of Kent, where he received a PhD in International Relations. He has taught, in Japan, as a lecturer at Shumei University and Aoyama Gakuin University, and has been a Research Associate at the University of Tokyo. He is also a founding executive editor of the journal International Relations of the Asia Pacific, published by Oxford University Press. Recent publications include The UN Role in Promoting Democracy: Between Ideals and Reality (co-edited, UNU Press, 2004), Refugees and Forced Displacement: International Security, Human Vulnerability, and the State (co-edited, UNU Press, 2003), Recovering from Civil Conflict: Reconciliation, Peace and Development (co-edited, Frank Cass, 2002), Democracy in Latin America: (Re)Constructing Political Society (co-edited, UNU Press, 2001), The United Nations and Human Security (co-edited, Palgrave, 2001), and The UN Secretary-General from the Cold War to the New Era (Macmillan, 1998), The Changing Nature of Democracy (co-edited UNU Press, 1998). His articles have appeared in a number of journals, including Global Dialogue, International Peacekeeping, The International Journal of Human Rights, International Studies Perspectives, Japan Review of International Affairs, Journal of East Asian Studies, and Security Dialogue. E-mail: Edward Newman
Martina Timmermann, Academic Programme Officer and Director of Studies on Human Rights and Ethics, received her Ph.D in Political Science and Asian Studies from the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, in 1998. She did her PhD research at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo and Harvard University and was awarded the Japan-Europe SEP-scholarship by the Japanese Foreign Ministry and the Japanese-German-Centre Berlin. Her thesis provided a new approach of political culture analysis and was published in 2000 ("The Power of Collective Thought Patterns. Values, Change and Political Culture in Japan and the United States of America", Leske and Budrich).
From 2003-2005 Dr. Timmermann served as Board Member of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA). From 2000-2004 she was head of the DFG research project, "The human rights politics of Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines: Mirror of 'Asian' Identity?", conducted at the Institute of Asian Affairs (IFA) in Hamburg. The project looked at the importance of UN World Conferences (Beijing, Copenhagen, Stockholm) and Civil Society for the process of human rights implementation and, in the long run, Asian regional identity building. From 1994-1999, she was assistant professor in the Department of International Relations/Foreign Policy at the University of Trier, Germany, working specifically on Japanese Foreign Policy.
Dr. Timmermann's present projects focus on: business and ethics (Global Compact, CSR, Public Private Partnerships and Women's Health); regional human rights regimes (ASEAN human rights mechanism, EU-China human rights dialogue, the hr regime of the Americas); the institution of special rapporteurs; disaster relief, and the institutionalization of Northeast Asia. E-mail: Martina Timmermann
Yoshie Sawada is Programme Administrative Assistant. E-mail: Yoshie Sawada
Chifumi Mizutani serves as Programme Secretary. E-mail: Chifumi Mizutani
