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Peace and Governance Programme |
A challenging world
This is a challenging agenda. Civil and ethnic conflict, inter-state war, terrorism, poverty, the threat of weapons of mass destruction, the scourge of small arms, the negative impacts of economic globalisation, human rights abuses, and the problems experienced by transitional and democratising societies - these are just some of the problems which confront us. Moreover, the changing political context which lies behind many of these problems makes this agenda ever more complicated. The nature of state sovereignty is constantly evolving. Changing attitudes towards - and expectations of - governance are a source of upheaval across the world. Economic globalisation and interdependence continue to alter - and sometimes destabilise - the international economic order.
These issues and challenges demand a forward-looking, innovative approach, and one that conceptualises peace and security in the broadest sense. It is in this spirit that the Peace and Governance Programme formulates and directs its projects at the UNU in collaboration with scholars, institutions and practitioners world-wide.