Project Team and expert advisory panel

Project team biographies
Anthony Clunies-Ross (acluniesross@compuserve.com) has degrees from Melbourne and Cambridge Universities; taught at Melbourne and Monash Universities, the University of Papua New Guinea and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and on short courses in India and Tanzania; and was Professor of Economics at the University of Papua New Guinea and then at the University of Strathclyde, where he is now Professor Emeritus. He had periods as a member of the Papua New Guinea Tariff Advisory Committee and Rural Minimum Wages Board; was consultant to the Papua New Guinea Government on provincial government finance under the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation in 1975; has been engaged as an expert witness on cases related to Australian petroleum taxation; and has been commissioned by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs to prepare and contribute to papers on new and innovative sources of finance for social development over 1998-2001. He has written on public finance, stabilization and general economic policy issues, with particular reference to developing countries and to natural resources and the environment. Among other books, he is joint author of Taxation of Mineral Rent, published by Oxford University Press in 1983; author of a textbook, Economic Stabilization for Developing Countries, Published by Edward Elgar in 1991; and joint editor of Albania's Economy in Transition and Turmoil, 1990-97, published by Ashgate in 1998.
Jeremy Heimans (jeremy_heimans@ksg02.harvard.edu) has degrees from the University of Sydney and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow. He will be based at University College, Oxford University for research leading to a doctorate from October 2003. His research interests are focused on international organizations and on current issues in development policy. He has acted as a consultant to the OECD, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the World Commission on the Social Dimensions of Globalization, and worked for the international consulting firm McKinsey and Company, where his responsibilities included the development of a diagnostic tool measuring performance gaps in the management of international institutions.
John Langmore (langmore@att.net) was educated at Melbourne, Monash and Cambridge Universities. His employment has included four years as Lecturer in Economics at the University of Papua New Guinea; three years as Assistant Director of the National Planning Office in Papua New Guinea; eight years as staff economist to the Parliamentary Labor Party in Australia, including a period as Economic Advisor to the Australian Treasurer; twelve years as Member of the Australian House of Representatives including terms as Chair of various Parliamentary and party committees; and five years as Director of the Social Policy and Development Division in the UN Secretariat. He was responsible for the substantive preparation for the Twenty-fourth Special Session of the UN General Assembly on social development in Geneva in June 2000. This involved many of the kinds of activities that would be involved in this project such as organization of off the record seminars. He is the joint author of Work For All, published by Melbourne University Press in 1994; joint editor of two other books, Alternative Strategies for Papua New Guinea, published by OUP in 1973 and 1975, and Wealth, Poverty and Survival, published by Allen and Unwin in 1983; and author of many articles and chapters in books on national and international economic and social policy.
Rodney Schmidt (rschmidt@nsi-ins.ca) was educated at Carleton and Toronto Universities, completing his doctorate on 'External debt, the exchange rate and asset demand' in 1994. After three years as senior economist in the Ministry of Economic Development in Belize, he was research assistant and then lecturer in the Department of Economics in the University of Toronto. Between 1993 and 1998, he was an international economist in the International Finance and Economic Analysis Division of the Canadian Department of Finance. During the latter part of that period, he was also a research associate of the North-South Institute in Ottawa. From 1998 to the end of 2001, he was a Program Advisor in Viet Nam for the Canadian International Development Research Council. He is currently Principal Researcher, Finance and Debt, at the North-South Institute in Canada. He has published many articles on financial and economic development issues.
Expert Advisory Panel
Professor Gerry Helleiner, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, and Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto
Professor Devesh Kapur, Department of Government, Harvard University
Thandika Mkandawire, Director, UN Research Institute for Social Development
Gert Rosenthal, Ambassador of Guatemala to the United Nations and formerly Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
John Williamson, Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics, Washington and Project Director for the High-Level Panel on Financing for Development
Sir Brian Urquhart, past UN Under-Secretary General and eminent biographer and scholar of international relations
Hon Ralph Willis, Australian Treasurer, 1993-96.