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EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum
Governance Across Borders
National, Regional and Global
Background & Themes Contact & Registration Japanese


24-25 January 2002
UNU Centre, U Thant International Conference Hall (3F), Tokyo, Japan
Thursday, 24 January 2002
Opening Remarks
Hans van Ginkel,
Rector, United Nations University (UNU)
Ove Juul Jørgensen,
Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Japan
Makiko Tanaka
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan

Keynote Address
Michel Barnier
EU Commissioner for Regional Policy and Inter-governmental Conference
International governance from a European Perspective
10.30–11.00 Coffee Break
Session 1: Good global governance and international security
Ramesh Thakur
Vice-Rector, UNU
Gareth Evans
President, International Crisis Group
The Bases of Global Governance in International Peace and Security
Keizo Takemi
Member of Parliament, Japan
Human Security and Good Governance - the Approach of the Japanese Government
David Gardner
South Asia Bureau Chief, Financial Times
Governance, Security and Conflict in the Middle East
13.00-14.30 Lunch Break
Session 2: Norms of justice: national, regional, global
Etienne Reuter
Minister-Counsellor, Delegation of the European Commission to Japan
Richard Goldstone
Judge, Constitutional Court of South Africa
The Role of Law and Justice in Global and Regional Governance
Emma Bonino,
European Parliament Member
Can there be Peace without Justice?
Yozo Yokota
Special Adviser to the Rector, UNU
International Law, International Justice and International Terrorism
Shunji Yanai
Former Japanese Ambassador to the United States
Public Safety, National Security, and Individual Liberty: US and Japanese Approaches to Terrorism
15.45-16.15 Coffee Break
17.30-19.30 Open Reception (2nd floor reception hall)
Friday, 25 January 2002
Session 3: Economic governance and sustainable development
David Gardner
South Asia Bureau Chief, Financial Times
Ibbo Mandaza
Executive Director, Southern African Political Economy Series (SAPES) Trust
Policy Autonomy in an Era of Globalization and Conditionality
Deepak Nayyar
Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi
Bretton Woods and Economic Governance
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
Director, Human Development Report Office, UNDP
Economic Governance and Development
John O'Shea
Chief Executive, GOAL
Corruption: A Worry for Some, A Matter of Life and Death for Others
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
13.00-14.30 Lunch Break
Session 4: Comparing regional models of governance
Hans van Ginkel
Rector, UNU
Takashi Inoguchi
Professor, Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Tokyo
Governance Across Borders in Northeast Asia:Shaping and Sharing Identities, Ideas, Interests and Institutions
Tadashi Tominaga
Deputy Editor of Economic News, Asahi Shimbun
European Integration from a Japanese Media Perspective
Etienne Reuter
Minister-Counsellor, Delegation of the European Commission to Japan
Governance: A EU Citizen's Perspective

Concluding Remarks:
Ramesh Thakur
Vice-Rector, UNU
15.45-16.15 Coffee Break