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5 December

Richest 2% Own Half of World's Wealth: UNU Study

More than half of global household wealth is owned by the richest 2 per cent of adults, according to a study ("The World Distribution of Household Wealth") to be released on December 5 by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) in Helsinki.


Richest 2% Own Half of World's Wealth: UNU Study (56 KB PDF)

28 November

Veteran Sri Lankan Diplomat Jayantha Dhanapala Appointed as Chair of UNU Council

The Council of United Nations University, which met for its annual session earlier this month at UNU Centre in Tokyo, has elected Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala of Sri Lanka as UNU Council Chair.


Veteran Sri Lankan Diplomat Jayantha Dhanapala Appointed as Chair of UNU Council (44 KB PDF)

2 November

Press Conference by H.E. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda

After the lecture by H.E. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda on "Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Rwanda", a press conference will be held by the President.


Press Conference by H.E. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda (52 KB PDF)

31 October

Rwanda President Kagame to Speak at UNU

Paul Kagame has played a major role in Rwanda's recent history, first as leader of the expatriate rebel movement that halted the 1994 genocide, and then as Vice President (1994–2000) and President (since 2000) of the recovering nation. In his lecture, President Kagame will focus on Rwanda's successful recovery from the 1994 genocide, when as many as one million were killed, and the nation's steady progress on the path to peace and development.


Rwanda President Kagame to Speak at UNU (52 KB PDF)

20 October

Book Launch: "Child Soldiers"

If children are not prosecuted for war crimes, are they more likely chosen by warlords to perform the worst atrocities? UNU-assembled experts grapple with thorny issues in new book.


Book Launch: "Child Soldiers" (64 KB PDF)

17 October

Celebrating "Japan at 50 in the UN"
UN Day 2006 Events at UN House in Tokyo

On 25 October, a day-long public symposium and workshops will be held at UN House. The theme, "Japan at 50 in the UN", celebrates Japan's half-century of UN membership.


UN Day 2006 Events at UN House in Tokyo (56 KB PDF)

11 October

"Winning Against Disasters" is Theme of UNU Public Forum

Natural disasters are causing unacceptably high human and economic losses worldwide, as evidenced in various assessments made by the UN, World Bank, and the insurance industry. To effectively address disaster reduction, short- and long-term strategies are required.


"Winning Against Disasters" is Theme of UNU Public Forum (56 KB PDF)

6 October

UN Day 2006 Events in Japan — "Japan at 50 in the UN"

United Nations Day (UN Day) is an aniversary to commemorate the date 61 years ago, 24 October 1945, when the United Nations Charter came into effect. UN day has been celebrated annually since 1947 throughout the world through variety of events. This year is significant in that it marks the 50th year since Japan joined the UN. To celebrate, 22 UN-related organizations in Japan are collaborating to hold variety of events and to reaffirm our commitment to fostering the mission of the UN and the aspirations for peace of its "Peoples and Member States".


UN Day 2006 Events in Japan — "Japan at 50 in the UN" (56 KB PDF)

3 October

Zero Emissions Forum 2006: "Contemplating on Sustainability"

The concept of "sustainability" signifies that we have the obligation to share the earth's natural resources fairly and equally with all, including future generations. Sustainability has become a key word for human life on this planet of limited resources.


Zero Emissions Forum 2006: "Contemplating on Sustainability" (56 KB PDF)

3 October

UNU To Hold Two Events Focusing on "Accountability"

Lecture by Getrude Ibengwe Mongella, President of the Pan-African Parliament. Mme. Getrude Ibengwe Mongella's talk will focus on the role of parliaments, and how they can best contribute to ensuring public accountability by governments. Following Mme. Mongella's lecture, there will be brief comments by Professor Patrick Chabal of King's College, London University, and a question and answer session moderated by UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel.


UNU To Hold Two Events Focusing on Accountability (56 KB PDF)

21 September

Applications Invited for 2006 Kanazawa Session of UNU Global Seminar

Humans have considerably and increasingly changed the environment and ecosystem services to meet our demands for food, water, and other resources. While these changes have had positive effects (advances in economic development and human well-being), there have been serious negative consequences. The alarming and serious threat posed by these negative consequences necessitates changes in policies, institutions, and practices, requiring prompt action by all actors — including the United Nations, national and local governments, industry, civil society, research and academic institutions, and the public — both individually and collectively.


Applications Invited for 2006 Okinawa Session of UNU Global Seminar (56 KB PDF)

13 September

Applications Invited for 2006 Okinawa Session of UNU Global Seminar

Globalization has both positive and negative consequences. While it unites societies and nations by promoting our understanding of other cultures and enlarging the possibility of constructing a new social order, globalization also can exacerbate serious social issues. In the labour market, for example, the globalization process has activated the world economy and given us the perspectives for a multi-cultural society, but it also has generated increased illegal migration, infringement of migrant workers' rights, and conflicts between cultural and ethnic groups. The 2006 UNU Global Seminar – Okinawa Session will provide participants with a better understanding of globalization through an investigation into the issues of international labour movements.


Applications Invited for 2006 Okinawa Session of UNU Global Seminar (47 KB PDF)

8 September

Public Symposium on Water Hazard and Risk Management at UNU on 14 September

Water-related disasters, ranging from floods to droughts, represent major impediments to sustainable human development and the alleviation of poverty. The number of devastating water-related disasters, as well as the extent of their resultant damage and impact, have been increasing in various regions of the world. This is due in part to rapid population growth, increasing urbanization, and the concomitant expansion of supporting infrastructure, and is being exacerbated by climate change/global warming.


Public Symposium on Water Hazard and Risk Management at UNU on 14 September (76 KB PDF)

17 August

MOFA/UNU Public Seminar on Peacebuilding

With peace operations ongoing on a significant scale in many parts of the world, and threats of new or renewed conflict continuing to arise, the peacebuilding agenda is drawing increasing global attention.

"There are few issues on which there is greater consensus, or higher expectations, than on the responsibility of the United Nations to help States and societies recover from the devastation of war," observed United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the inaugural session of the new United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, on 23 June 2006.


MOFA/UNU Public Seminar on Peacebuilding (76 KB PDF)

11 August

Mohammad Khatami, Former President of Iran, Will Lecture on "Dialogue Among Civilization" at UNU

The topic of the 13th U Thant Distinguished Lecture will be "Dialogue Among Civilizations: A Necessity for Living in Peace and Non-Violence, Bridging the Development Gap Among Nations, and Building a Global Citizenship". The topic of the 13th U Thant Distinguished Lecture will be "Dialogue Among Civilizations: A Necessity for Living in Peace and Non-Violence, Bridging the Development Gap Among Nations, and Building a Global Citizenship".


Mohammad Khatami, Former President of Iran, Will Lecture on "Dialogue Among Civilization" at UNU (60 KB PDF)

U Thant Lecture Series

11 August

International Public Symposium on "Living with Deserts"

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), which entered into force in 1996, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2006 as the International Year of Deserts and Desertification (IYDD). The aim of IYDD is to raise awareness about the human consequences of drought and desertification, as well as to celebrate the fragile beauty and unique natural and historical heritage of the world's deserts.


International Public Symposium on "Living with Deserts" (64 KB PDF)

9 August

UNU/UNESCO Conference Will Explore Linkages Between Globalization and Science & Technology

While globalization processes are, in part, driven by science and technology (particularly new information and communication technologies), globalization, in turn, has strongly influenced the ways in which scientific knowledge and new technologies are produced and disseminated.


UNU/UNESCO Conference Will Explore Linkages Between Globalization and Science & Technology (64 KB PDF)

Globalization website

31 July

Advance Notice of UNU Events in August

UNU has several major public events covering a wide range of current issues scheduled for the month of August.


Advance Notice of UNU Events in August (64 KB PDF)

21 July

Exhibition: "Living with Desert"

Until 31 August, a photo exhibition on "Living with Desert" is being presented in the UN Gallery (UN House, Shibuya, Tokyo), organized by UNIC, UNU, and UNCCD. This exhibition is open to the public and is free of charge.


Exhibition: "Living with Desert" (40 KB PDF)

20 July

African Union Commission Chairperson Will Speak on "African Dynamism" at UNU

Public Lecture by H.E. Dr. Alpha Oumar Konaré, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union and former President of the Republic of Mali.


African Union Commission Chairperson Will Speak on "African Dynamism" at UNU (52 KB PDF)

12 July

Dr. Zafar Adeel Begins Tenure as Director of UNU International Network on Water, Environment and Health

On 1 July, Dr. Zafar Adeel, an international researcher and specialist in the problems of water management in developing countries, took over as Director of United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). Dr. Adeel succeeds Dr. Ralph Daley, who retired after a decade as UNU-INWEH's founding Director.


Dr. Zafar Adeel Begins Tenure as Director (48 KB PDF)

29 June

Lecture by President Hamid Karzai on State Building in Afghanistan

President Karzai's lecture will be followed by a question and answer session, moderated by Ms. Sadako Ogata, President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency.


Lecture by President Hamid Karzai on State Building in Afghanistan (84 KB PDF)

12 June

Applications Invited for 2006 Kobe-Awaji Session of UNU Global Seminars

A Comprehensive efforts for peacebuilding are essential, both to cut the negative cycle of conflict and to address the root causes of terrorism. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called for broad, deep, and sustained global cooperation that addresses the "larger freedom" of humankind: efforts to achieve not only the basic political freedoms to which all human beings are entitled, but also "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear".


Applications Invited for 2006 Kobe-Awaji Session of UNU Global Seminars (88 KB PDF)

12 June

UNU Appoints Former Japan Foreign Ministry Spokesman as Special Adviser to Promote Public Relations

Rector Hans van Ginkel of United Nations University (UNU), a Tokyo-based think tank for the United Nations system, has announced the appointment of Mr. Hatsuhisa Takashima, former press secretary of the Foreign Ministry of Japan (2002–2005), as a Special Adviser to the Rector.


UNU Appoints Special Adviser to Promote Public Relations (92 KB PDF)

12 June

Applications Invited for 2006 Tohoku Session of UNU Global Seminar

Human crises — including natural disasters (such as earthquakes), disease (such as AIDS/HIV), and chronic hunger and poverty — occur worldwide on a daily basis. Furthermore, the need to fashion long- term global risk management strategies, particularly in the areas of environmental protection and developing sustainable energy sources, grows ever more urgent. Seminar participants will learn from hands-on local efforts in Aomori Prefecture, which is at the forefront in adopting innovative, forward- looking projects to confront such issues.


Applications Invited for 2006 Tohoku Session of UNU Global Seminar (92 KB PDF)

29 May

Applications Invited for 2006 Hokkaido Session of UNU Global Seminar

While the recent, rapid progress of globalization has greatly benefited the world's financial sectors, it is nevertheless apparent that poverty is continuing to spread and deepen. To help alleviate poverty in Asia, regional integration along the lines of the European Union model has been widely discussed.


Applications Invited for 2006 Hokkaido Session of UNU Global Seminar (84 KB PDF)

26 May

President Mogae of Botswana Will Speak at 2006 Africa Day Symposium

While the recent, rapid progress of globalization has greatly benefited the world's financial sectors, it is nevertheless apparent that poverty is continuing to spread and deepen. To help alleviate poverty in Asia, regional integration along the lines of the European Union model has been widely discussed.


President Mogae of Botswana Will Speak at 2006 Africa Day Symposium (68 KB PDF)

19 May

UNU Rector to Sign Agreement Establishing New UNU Research and Training Centre in Malaysia

Official Signing Ceremony for Establishment of UNU-IIGH.


UNU Rector to Sign Agreement Establishing New UNU Research and Training Centre in Malaysia (88 KB PDF)

24 May

UNU Financial Assistance Programme for Students from Developing Countries Enters 4th Year

The United Nations University Financial Assistance Programme for Students from Developing Countries (UNU-FAP), which provides self-financed students from developing countries with reimbursable, no-interest funds to study at a university in Japan, has entered its 4th year of operation.


UNU Financial Assistance Programme for Students from Developing Countries Enters 4th Year (84 KB PDF)

12 May

12th U Thant Lecture: Malaysian Prime Minister to Discuss Islamic Approach to Peace and Prosperity

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will share experiences and insights from Malaysia's national development experiences, which have stressed technological and economic competitiveness, moderation, tolerance, and good governance.


12th U Thant Lecture: Malaysian Prime Minister to Discuss Islamic Approach to Peace and Prosperity (84 KB PDF)

27 April

"Post-Kyoto Protocol": UNU-ZEF Symposium

In recent years, as many scientists predicted, evidence of a global warming trend has been increasing. Furthermore, unusual climatic conditions have caused serious localized damage in many parts of the world through massive hurricanes and typhoons, torrential rains, droughts, progressive desertification, heat waves, and other weather-related events.


"Post-Kyoto Protocol": UNU-ZEF Symposium (80 KB PDF)

10 April

Applications Invited for 2006 UNU Global Seminar - Shimane-Yamaguchi Session

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon. Recent terrorist attacks in such countries as the USA, UK, Indonesia, and Spain, however, have fundamentally changed our perception of terrorism from being a local or national phenomenon to being an issue of global concern — not only for governments, but for ordinary people.


Applications Invited for 2006 UNU Global Seminar - Shimane-Yamaguchi Session (80 KB PDF)

7 April

Applications Invited for UNU Global Seminar - 22nd Shonan Session

Some 2.5 billion people worldwide survive on less than US$2 a day, and many must do so in societies beset by violence. During the past decade, for example, almost half of the world's 32 least developed countries experienced armed conflicts.


Applications Invited for UNU Global Seminar - 22nd Shonan Session (44 KB PDF)

7 April

UNU to Hold International Conference on Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development

"Education for Sustainable Development" encompasses a new vision of education that seeks to empower people of all ages to assume responsibility for creating and enjoying a sustainable future.


UNU to Hold International Conference on Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (48 KB PDF)

28 March

Annual UNU-Kirin Fellows Award Ceremony 5 April at UN House, Tokyo

Each year, up to five top scientists from developing countries in Asia come to Japan for a full year of research and training in advanced food science and technology at the National Food Research Institute (NFRI) in Tsukuba.


Annual UNU-Kirin Fellows Award Ceremony 5 April at UN House, Tokyo (44 KB PDF)

22 March

"Eradicating Poverty" is Focus of 6th Annual EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum

Former Foreign Minister Mr. Nobutaka Machimura, European Commission Deputy Director- General Mr. Hugh Richardson (Europe Aid Cooperation Office) and Mr. Karel Kovanda (External Relations) and TICAD Ambassador Bouna Semou Diouf will address a conference on poverty eradication organized by the United Nations University and the European Commission.


"Eradicating Poverty" is Focus of 6th Annual EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum (40 KB PDF)

20 March

20 March Press Conference Postponed

Please note that the press conference scheduled for 2:00 PM today (20 March) at UN House in Tokyo has been postponed until a later date.


20 March Press Conference Postponed (32 KB PDF)

15 March

Free Software in Developing Countries Vital to Future Prosperity and Good Governance: UNU Technology Experts

The growth of free, open-source software presents developing countries with an opportunity to escape from technological dependence on developed countries, but also a challenge to build up local expertise, United Nations University experts say.


Free Software in Developing Countries Vital to Future Prosperity and Good Governance (32 KB PDF)

7 February

African Ambassador, Prof. Peter Katjavivi, Pioneer of Namibian Independence, is New Chair of UNU Council

Namibia's Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, a former academic who spent almost three decades helping lead an underground struggle to end apartheid in Namibia and gain its independence from South Africa, is the new chair of the United Nations University Council.


African Ambassador, Prof. Peter Katjavivi, Pioneer of Namibian Independence, is New Chair of UNU Council (32 KB PDF)

10 February

UNU to Hold Public Forum on Asia-Pacific Responses to Environmental Challenges

Since 2001, the UNU Inter-linkages Initiative has conducted a series of national case studies as well as regional workshops on inter-linkages and integrated capacity development, in close collaboration with national stakeholders and the Secretariats of three regional organizations: the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP), and South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP).


UNU to Hold Public Forum on Asia-Pacific Responses to Environmental Challenges (52 KB PDF)

2 February

UNU Rector Announces Appointment of Dr. Karl Harmsen as Director of UNU-INRA

United Nations University Rector Hans van Ginkel has announced the appointment of Prof. Dr. Karl Harmsen as Director of the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.


UNU Rector Announces Appointment of Dr. Karl Harmsen as Director of UNU-INRA (32 KB PDF)

25 January

Efforts to Reform Security Making Iraq "Less Secure": UN Experts

International efforts to restore stability to Iraq are having the opposite effect, say the editors of a new UN book on the reform of the security sectors in post-conflict societies.


Efforts to Reform Security Making Iraq "Less Secure": UN Experts (40 KB PDF)

18 January

Kids' ISO 14000 Programme Awards at UN House on 28 January 2006

The Kids' ISO 14000 Programme is an environmental education programme for children. Since it was developed in 2000 by the International Art and Technology Cooperation Organization (ArTech), a Tokyo-based non-profit organization, more than 120,000 Japanese children have participated in the programme.


Kids' ISO 14000 Programme Awards at UN House on 28 January 2006 (40 KB PDF)

18 January

Experts Seek Ways to Mitigate Landslide Losses

Asia suffered 220 landslides in the past century – by far the most of any world region – but those in North, Central and South America have caused the most deaths and injuries (25,000+) while Europe's are the most expensive – causing average damage of almost $23 million per landslide.


Experts Seek Ways to Mitigate Landslide Losses (60 KB PDF)


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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