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         26 July 2004

United Nations University (UNU) is now accepting applications for the 4th annual UNU Global Seminar - Kanazawa Session. The central theme of the Kanazawa Session, which will be held from 20 to 23 November 2004 at the Ishikawa Youth Training Center in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, will be "Globalization and Regionalism, " jointly organized by the UNU Centre, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) and Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre (IICRC). Seminar participants will explore formal regional integration processes (such as the development of the European Union) as well as less formalized modes of regional cooperation (in areas of conflict resolution and environmental protection). Lecturers will include scholars and practitioners from Japan and abroad, who will not only deliver presentations but also engage in active discussions with the participants.

UNU Global Seminars are a series of annual seminars held at seven locations in Japan as well as in the Republic of Korea and Hawaii. The seminars are designed to enhance awareness among university students and young professionals about global issues of concern to the United Nations, its peoples and member states. Undergraduate (junior year and above) and postgraduate students and recent graduates who can understand both English and Japanese are invited to apply; approximately 50 applicants will be selected to participate in the Kanazawa Session. A fee of JPY30,000 covers accommodation, meals and seminar documentation; foreign students not receiving a scholarship for their study in Japan may apply for waiver of the participation fee.

The UNU Global Seminar - Kanazawa Session will open at 2:00 PM on Saturday, 20 November, with keynote lectures by UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel and Kobe University Professor Makoto Iokibe. Simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation will be provided. The keynote lectures are open to the public; media representatives are cordially invited to attend.

On 21 and 22 November, seminar participants will attend lecture sessions on "Regional Integration," "Regional Responses to Conflicts" and "Preservation of the Regional Environment." Group discussions and a guidance session for those interested in seeking employment in the UN system will also be held. The Kanazawa Session will conclude on Tuesday, 23 November, with group presentations and a closing ceremony. A copy of the complete programme is attached.

Additional information and application forms for the Kanazawa Session can be obtained online ( or by contacting the UNU Global Seminar Desk at the Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre (telephone: 076-224-0044, fax: 076-224-0468, e-mail: The application deadline is 15 October 2004.

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