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         4 February 2004

On 13 and 14 February 2004, United Nations University (UNU) will host an international Panel Meeting on Economic Development and Human Security at UN House in Tokyo. The theme of the meeting - which is being organized by UNU, Keio University and the Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR) - will be "How to Improve Governance at the Inter-Governmental, Governmental and Private Sector Levels in Japan and Asia." This will be the first meeting based on ongoing cooperation between UNU, JFIR, and the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program of Keio University, which was established in mid-2003 by Prof. Sayuri Shirai of the Keio University Faculty of Policy Management to promote interdisciplinary, policy-oriented research on issues of economic development and human security.

Keynote speakers on Friday morning will be Dr. Tomoyuki Kojima, Dean of Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University; Prof. Hans van Ginkel, UNU Rector; and Mr. Kenichi Ito, President & CEO of JFIR. The Friday session of the meeting will focus on "Fiscal Policy, Decentralization and Financial/Corporate Governance Issues in Japan and East Asia," while the focus of Saturday session will be "Economic Development and Environment." Participants will include researchers and policy experts from Asia, Europe and North America as well as representatives of international organizations. A copy of the meeting programme is attached.

The sessions will be conducted in English. Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. For registration, please contact Ms. Yoko Aoki ( by Tuesday, February 10th. For more details on the conference, please contact Prof. Sayuri Shirai (, or Ms. Soisik Habert at UNU.

The three partners will enhance their collaboration in terms of assisting in mutual research activities, developing joint presentation activities and producing policy recommendations. Future Keio-UNU-JFIR panel meetings are planned; discussions will cover various contemporary economic, environmental and urbanization issues of Japan and Asia, with a focus on the process of developing appropriate policy options and international architecture.

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