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         18 April 2002

The United Nations University (UNU) is now accepting applications for the UNU Global Seminar - 18th Shonan Session. The central theme of this seminar, which will be held from 2 to 6 September 2002 at Shonan Village in Hayama, Kanagawa-ken, Japan, is "Cross-Border Movement of People." Participants will have the opportunity to consider issues relating to people's movement across borders from various perspectives, including historical developments, present-day analyses, and socio-cultural transformations as well as the responses of governments, international organizations and NGOs. A copy of the programme is attached.

The UNU Global Seminar is an annual programme designed to enhance awareness about global issues among students and young professionals in Japan by providing them an opportunity for active interaction with international scholars and experts. Undergraduate students (junior year and above), postgraduate students and recent graduates are invited to apply; approximately 100 applicants will be selected to participate in the Shonan Session. Participants must understand both English and Japanese languages. There is a participation fee of Japanese yen 40,000, although this may be waived for non-Japanese students in need of financial assistance. Application forms are available from the UNU (telephone: 03-3499-2811; e-mail: Further information and application forms are also available from the UNU website: Applications must be submitted by 24 May 2002.

The UNU Global Seminar - Shonan Session will have individual sessions on "Meaning of Cross-Border Movement," "Cultural Understanding and Transformation," "Migration and the State" and "Movement of People and International Organizations." Keynote speakers will be Prof. Takashi Miyajima, College of Social Relations, Rikkyo University, and Prof. Shingo Minamizuka, Faculty of Letters, Chiba University. Other scheduled lecturers include experts from Chuo University, Hitotsubashi University, Kyoto University, University of the Philippines, and University of Tsukuba as well as representatives of the Japan Ministry of Justice, Institute of Himalayan Conservation, International Organization for Migration (Bangkok), and UNHCR. A representative of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs will offer "guidance for employment in international organizations."

The UNU Global Seminar - Shonan Session is jointly organized by the UNU and Kanagawa Foundation for Academic and Cultural Exchange. It has been held annually since 1985. UNU Global Seminar sessions are also held each year in Kobe (since 1995), Okinawa (since 1999), Hokkaido and Shimane (since 2000), Kanazawa (since 2001) and Tohoku starting from this year.

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