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             23 May 2000


In celebration of World Environment Day 2000, the United Nations University (UNU) will hold a series of events from 3 to 5 June (Saturday through Monday). These events will focus on the linkages between the environment, world youth and international organizations. The main activities will be a UNU Open House and World Environment Day Fair.

The UNU Open House will feature a series of workshops on such topics as "Starting Your Own Green Business," "Environmental Careers," "Environmental Internships," "Careers in International Organizations," and "Gender and the Environment." Other symposia will include "SOS from Wild Animals," "Housing and Environmental Issues," "Environment, Development and Democracy," "Environment Problems and Beverage Vending Machines," and "Asia-Africa Eco-Local Governance Development." There will be exhibition and counseling corners focusing on the UN and international organizations in Japan and environment leadership training for university students, as well as participatory workshops on creating homemade solar power generators, musical instruments and "recycle art." The events will be in Japanese, with some offering limited English translation.

The World Environment Day Fair will feature an NGO fair-trade bazaar, ethnic and organic foods, music powered by solar energy and fuel cells, a mini-FM broadcast, and displays by UN agencies on the UNU grounds, and an "Asia-Africa Children's Environmental Poster Exhibition" in the lobby of the UNU Headquarters building. There will also be live performances by the Japanese Taiko drum group Gocoo, blues and reggae group Unchaka, Nepalese folk-rock singer Bobin Bajracharya, and Indonesian gamelan music and dancing troupe Fukagawa Baron Club.

UNU World Environment Day celebrations are open to the public free of charge (except for some workshops). Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. More information is available online at or from the UNU Public Affairs Section or Global Environment Information Centre (GEIC).

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. It is celebrated annually on 5 June in an estimated 100 countries around the world to focus attention on environmental awareness and protection.

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For further information please contact
The UNU Public Affairs Section Tel. (03) 5467-1243, -1246 Fax (03) 3406-7346
UNU/GEIC: Tel.: (03) 3407-8107 Fax: (03) 3407-8164




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