30 July 1999
First UNU Global Seminar – Okinawa Session
Applications Invited
The United Nations University (UNU) is accepting applications for the First UNU Global Seminar – Okinawa Session, to be held from 14 December to 17 December 1999. The central theme of this seminar will be “Environmental Issues: Local, Regional and Global Dimensions,” with individual sessions focusing on “Regional Environment and its Sustainability,” “Environment and Literature,” “Environment and Governance,” and “Ocean Environment: Coral Reef and Mangrove.”
The UNU Global Seminar is an annual programme designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals in Japan about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations. Seminars have been held each year in the Kanto area since 1985 (UNU Global Seminar – Shonan Session) and in the Kansai area since 1995 (UNU Global Seminar – Kobe Session).
Undergraduate (junior year and above) and postgraduate students or professionals with a college degree are invited to apply for the December Okinawa Session. The application deadline is 24 September 1999. Applicants must understand both English and Japanese languages. There is a participation fee of ¥30,000, which may be waived for students from developing countries. Approximately 50 applicants will be selected to participate in the four-day course.
Keynote speakers for the UNU Global Seminar – Okinawa Session will be UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel and President Moshin Morita of the University of the Ryukyus. Scheduled lecturers include Prof. Taizo Yakushiji, Keio University; Director Tarcisio Della Senta, UNU Institute of Advanced Studies; Vice President Eiki Senaha, Meio University; Prof. Katsunori Yamazato, University of the Ryukyus; Prof. Kiyoshi Yamazato, Meio University; Mr. Yoshihiro Kohda, Advisor to the International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems; and Dr. German Velasquez, Programme Coordinator of the UNU Global Environment Information Centre. A preliminary programme is attached here.
The UNU Global Seminar – Okinawa Session will be jointly organized with Okinawa Prefecture. The 14 December opening session, in the auditorium of the Okinawa Women’s Comprehensive Center “Tiruru” in Naha, will be open to the public.
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For further information, please contact:
UNU Public Affairs Section
Tel. (03) 5467-1243, -1246 Fax (03) 3406-7346
Mr. Yoshiyuki Uehara, Deputy Councilor Cosmopolitan City Development & Promotion Office
Department of Planning & Development
Okinawa Prefectural Government
Tel. (098) 866-2030 Fax (098) 866-2060

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