13 July 1999
UNU Global Seminar – Kobe Session
Applications Invited
The United Nations University (UNU) is accepting applications for the Fifth UNU Global Seminar – Kobe Session, to be held from 28 September to 1 October 1999 at the Hotel Pearl City Kobe, Port Island, Kobe City. The topic of this year’s seminar will be “Security in the 21st Century.”
The UNU Global Seminar is an annual programme designed to enhance international awareness among the student population in Japan through interaction with scholars and experts working in the UNU’s global networks. Undergraduate students (junior year and above) and those in postgraduate courses are eligible to apply. Applicants must understand both English and Japanese languages. Approximately 50 students are selected from the applicants to participate in the four-day course.
The participation fee of ¥35,000, which includes seminar materials, meals, and three nights’ accommodation, may be waived for students from developing countries. Applications must be submitted to the UNU Global Seminar Secretariat no later than 21 July 1999. Application forms are available from the Secretariat (telephone: 078-291-0641; fax: 078-291-0691).
The keynote lecturer will be Prof. Davis Bobrow of the University of Pittsburgh (USA). Other scheduled lecturers are Mr. Hisahiko Okazaki, The Okazaki Institute (Japan); Prof. Naoko Shimura, President, Tsuda College; Mr. Torkel Patterson, President, Raytheon (Japan); Mr. Yukio Okamoto, President, The Okamoto Associates (Japan); Prof. William Dixon, University of Arizona; Prof. Yoshinobu Yamamoto, University of Tokyo; HE Mr. Ryukichi Imai, former Permanent Representative of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament (Geneva); and Prof. Masatsugu Naya, Hitotsubashi University.
Individual sessions will focus on “Security in the 21st Century,” “Security in Japan,” “Security and Economics” and “Disarmament and Arms Control.” A provisional seminar programme is attached hereto.
The UNU Global Seminar “Kobe Session” is jointly organized by the UNU and Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication, with Kobe University, Osaka University, and Kyoto University collaborating to plan and organize the seminar.
The Fifteenth UNU Global Seminar – Shonan Session, a similar seminar series for the Kanto area organized jointly by the UNU and the Kanagawa Foundation for Academic and Cultural Exchange (K-FACE), will be held from 6–10 September 1999. The topic of that session will be “Globalization and Human Development: Towards the Eradication of Poverty.”
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For further information, please contact:
UNU Public Affairs Section
Tel. (03) 5467-1243, -1246 Fax (03) 3406-7346
Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication (Mr. Aioi)
Tel. (078) 291-0641 Fax (078) 291-0691

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