22 April 1999
UNU Global Seminar – Shonan Session
Applications Invited
The United Nations University (UNU) is accepting applications for the 15th UNU Global Seminar – Shonan Session, to be held from 6 to 10 September 1999 at the Shonan Village in Hayama, Kanagawa-ken, Japan. The topic of this year’s seminar will be “Globalization and Human Development: Towards the Eradication of Poverty.”
The UNU Global Seminar is an annual programme designed to enhance international awareness among the student population in Japan through active interaction with scholars and experts working in the UNU’s global networks. Undergraduate students (junior year and above) and those in postgraduate courses in Japanese universities are eligible to apply. Applicants must understand both English and Japanese languages. Approximately 100 students will be selected from the applicants to participate in the five-day course.
The participation fee of ¥40,000, which includes seminar materials, meals, and four nights’ lodging at Shonan Village, may be waived for students from developing countries. Applications must be submitted to the UNU Global Seminar Secretariat no later than 28 May 1999. Application forms are available from the Secretariat (telephone: 03-3499-2811; e-mail: mbox@hq.unu.edu); they can be also downloaded from the website.
Keynote lecturers will be Mr. Richard Jolly, Special Adviser to the Administrator, UN Development Programme, and Ms. Mieko Nishimizu, Vice President, South Asia Regional Office, World Bank. Other lecturers will be from Oxfam Hong Kong, the Nature Conservacy (USA), University of Tokyo, University of the Philippines, Royal Danish Embassy, and UNU. A preliminary programme is attached.
The UNU Global Seminar “Shonan Session” is jointly organized by the UNU and Kanagawa Foundation for Academic and Cultural Exchange (K-FACE) and sponsored by the Japan Foundation for the UNU. Aoyama Gakuin University, Chuo University, International Christian University, International University of Japan, Keio Gijuku University, Tokai University, Tsuda College, University of Tokyo, and Waseda University are collaborating to plan and organize the seminar.
Topics of recent Shonan Session seminars have been: “Globalizing Cultures and Perspectives” (1992); “Harmonizing Population and Development” (1993); “The United Nations: Toward the 21st Century” (1994); “The UN at 50: Building Peace” (1995); “Globalism and Regionalism” (1996); “Attitudes of Member States toward the United Nations” (1997); and “The United Nations and Human Rights” (1998).
The fifth UNU Global Seminar – Kobe Session, a similar seminar series for the Kansai area organized jointly by the UNU and the Kobe International Association, is scheduled for late September 1999. The topic of that session will be “Security in the 21st Century.”
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For further information, please contact the UNU Public Affairs Section.
Tel.: (03) 5467–1243, –1246 Fax: (03) 3406–7346.

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