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                               16 February 1999

International Conference on Sustainable Development
to be held in Tokyo

UNU Headquarters, 23-24 February 1999

Sustainable management of the world’s resources, an important and ever more pressing issue, will be the focus of an international conference set for later this month at the United Nations University (UNU) Headquarters in Tokyo. The 2nd International Conference on the Sustainable Future of the Global System, to be held on 23-24 February 1999, is being jointly organized by the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies of Japan (IGES), with support from Japan’s Environment Agency.

The conference will consider key issues arising from the 4th Conference of the Parties (COP4) of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Buenos Aires in November 1998. These issues include the progress in multilateral efforts to reach a global accord, alternative emission scenarios, and policy implications. Participants will also review the state of key sectors of the global environment-human activities system and examine the crucial elements of sustainable development in developing countries.

Over 40 leading experts from around the world will participate in this conference. Scheduled speakers and panellists include representatives and researchers from the US Dept. of Energy, Environment Agency of Japan, Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan), Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, United Nations Development Programme, and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Dr. Robert Watson, IPCC Chair, will give the keynote address. Prof. J.A. van Ginkel, Rector of the UNU, and Prof. Akio Morishima, Chair of the IGES Board of Directors, will deliver opening remarks.

The conference is open to the public; admission is free, although advance registration is required. Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided. Requests for more information may be directed to the UNU Public Affairs Section.

Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. The programme is attached for your reference.

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    UNU Public Affairs Section
    Tel.: (03) 5467–1243, –1246
    Fax: (03) 3406–7346.

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