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Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre (IICRC)
International Conference
"Towards a New Vision: Traditional Crafts for
Sustainable Development"

The Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre (IICRC), a joint collaboration among the Ishikawa Prefecture, Kanazawa City, and the United Nations University, will hold an international conference entitled "Towards a New Vision: Traditional Crafts for Sustainable Development" on 27-28 November 1998 in Kanazawa City.

Whereas in the past IICRC held symposia with panel discussions, at this conference papers will be presented and more practical discussions will be held. Their purpose is to consolidate the various ideas and proposals stated in the Kanazawa Appeal issued at the second symposium held in November 1997.

This international conference is expected to discuss the following issues:

  1. How traditional crafts might be promoted to contribute to environmentally sustainable development.
  2. How to increase consumer awareness about the environmental impacts of present-day lifestyles and the response of traditional crafts.
  3. How the traditional crafts sector might be encouraged to take advantage of emerging environmentally conscious markets.
  4. How local governments, community organizations, young people, and businesses might be encouraged to respond to this challenge.
  5. To share experiences and views among citizens of different countries in order to form a common perspective and explore how international cooperation might be stimulated in this direction.
Friday, 27 November 1998 9.00 - 17.45 hours
Saturday, 28 November 1998 9.00 - 12.00 hours
Kanazawa City Bunka Hall
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For further information, please contact:
    Kanazawa City
    Tel.: (076) 224-0044 Fax: (076) 224-0468

    UNU Public Affairs Section
    Tel.: (03) 5467-1243,-1246 Fax: (03) 3406-7346


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