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The 1997-98 UNU-Kirin Fellows who have completed their year of training at Japan’s National Food Research Institute (NFRI) in Tsukuba will attend an award ceremony to be held at UNU Headquarters from 14.00 to 15.00 hours on Monday, 30 March 1998.

The UNU-Kirin Fellows started their advanced food science and technology training at NFRI in April 1997. They will give brief summaries of their research results at the ceremony.

An orientation session for the 1998-99 fellows will follow the ceremony.

The UNU-Kirin Fellowship Programme started in April 1993 with an annual contribution of ¥34 million (US$266,000) from Japan’s Kirin Brewery Company. Kirin is committed to supporting the training of five fellows per year for an initial five-year period and recently extended for an additional five. The funds made available by Kirin enable the UNU to provide five researchers from developing countries of Asia, one-year research and training opportunities in the area of food science and technology at NFRI. An innovative feature of the Kirin sponsorship is that the home institutions of UNU fellows are provided with financial support to enable the fellows to continue their research upon their return to their respective home countries.

Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the ceremony.

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UNU Public Affairs Section
Tel.: (03) 5467-1243 or -1246
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