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UNU Releases Key Policy report on Managing
Development in Large Developing Countries
Parliamant House, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-7 February, 2002

This Symposium aims to provide a Forum for Judges from the South Pacific countries to exchange views knowledge and experience in promoting the further development and implementation of environmental law in the region and to review the role of the Courts in promoting the rule of law in the area of sustainable development.


The Symposium was organized to provide a Forum for Judges from the South Pacific countries to exchange views knowledge and experience in promoting the further development and implementation of environmental law in the region and examine contemporary developments in the field of environmental law - both international and national- that have implications for promoting the goals of environment and development. It was also done to review the role of the Courts in promoting the rule of law in the area of sustainable development, particularly with regards to World Summit on Sustainable Development- Progressive Development of the Legal Principles in the Rio Declaration in the 10 years since the Rio conference. the meeting was set in train a scheme for regional co-operation among judiciaries in the South Pacific Countries, including the collation and dissemination of information and material on Environmental Law among Judges from the region.

View photo of the event here.