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Ramsar Handbooks Now Online
This site (external link) provides links to full texts of the Ramsar Handbooks in English, French and Spanish. The files are presented in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.

Ramsar Handbooks

This series of handbooks has been prepared by the secretariat of the Convention (the Ramsar Bureau) following the 7th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP7) held in San José, Costa Rica, in May 1999. The San José conference was notable for adopting guidelines under each of the three main obligations under the Convention – Wise Use, Wetlands of International Importance and International Cooperation – to add to guidance adopted by previous COPs. These guidelines have been prepared as a series of handbooks to assist those with an interest in, or directly involved with, implementation of the Convention at either the international, regional, national, sub-national or local levels. Other handbooks may be added at a later date.

The handbooks have been prepared in the three working languages of the Convention (English, French and Spanish) and incorporate, where appropriate, material from case studies designed to illustrate key aspects of the guidelines. The full text of most case studies can be found on the World Wide Web site of the Convention at

Go to the Ramsar Handbook site now (external link).