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WSSD PrepCom II Side Event on Inter-linkages
UN, New York, 29 January 2002

The seminar addressed questions of what policy options could best contribute to the goal of sustainable development within the context of the forthcoming summit in Johannesburg focusing on international environmental governance reform, financing for sustainable development and national and regional approaches for the effective implementation of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

With less than a year to go before the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD), most experts agree that the sustainable sevelopment remains among the highest of priorities for action on the part of governments at the international level. Achieving the goal of sustainable development, however, requires a modus operandi for ground-level operation. It is not that we have misunderstood the problems. What we have failed to do is to agree to, and implement, the policy responses to deal with the well-known and inter-linked problems we face today in the areas of economic and social development, and the environment. For a variety of reasons, our laws, conventions, treaties, institutions, mechanisms have neither developed in a coordinated manner nor led they to a coherent system of global environmental governance. In other words, to fully implement Agenda 21, we need to fill the gap between our problem perception and our solution making processes through strategic approaches to policy formulation in a well-coordinated manner

Environmental governance reform: Proposals, possibilities and limitations, Mr. W. Bradnee Chambers, UNU/Institute of Advanced Studies
Reflections on environmental governance structures, Dr. Norichika Kanie, University of Kitakyushu
A review of the inter-linked nature of financing for development, Mr. Jacob Park, University of Maryland
Case studies and recommendations on the implication of global environmental reform on regional and national levels, Dr. Jerry Velasquez, UNU/GEIC