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WSSD PrepCom IV Side Event on Inter-linkages
The UNU, together with several partners organized a side event during the ongoing WSSD Prepcom IV on the topic of Inter-linkages. The summary of the event, incluidng real audio of the speaches can be found at the ENB (external link) coverage here (external link).

Side Event: Tuesday, May 28, 13:15 – 14:45, Venue: Conference room # 2

ORGANIZERS: United Nations University (UNU), with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, United Nations Environment Program Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP) and the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Background: A regional workshop on Inter-Linkages was held in Kuala Lumpur on February 2001 to discuss the opportunities for synergetic implementation of Multilateral Agreements at the regional and national levels. One of the recommendations of the workshop was to conduct ASEAN and Pacific Islands case studies on Inter-linkages. Based on these recommendations case studies in the South Pacific and ASEAN countries on the negotiation and implementation of MEAs and their inter-linkages were conducted starting April 2001.

The specific areas that were covered in the case study include: An assessment of the status of ratification, implementation arrangements, and problems and constraints faced with the implementation of MEAs. Based on this preliminary assessment, identify opportunities and constraints in promoting synergies in implementation of MEAs at the regional and national level. Draw up a proposal, taking into account the following case studies, incorporating suggestions for promoting synergies and effectiveness in implementing MEAs, including needs and resources in terms of finance, capacity and technology transfer and institutional arrangements.

The studies are expected to shed light on some of the needs, challenges and opportunities in the Asia and Pacific region towards the WSSD, particularly with regards to the ongoing discussions on International Environmental Governance reform.