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African Case Studies on Inter-Linkages in 2003
The UNU, together with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Africa will be launching a 10-country case study of East and West Africa starting early 2003. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen national governance structures and promote regional cooperation in the negotiation, ratification, and implementation of MEAs by identifying inter-linkages and synergies both between MEAs as well as between different national institutions involved in their implementation. The studies will cover policy priorities, strategy and planning, institutional and legal frameworks, financing, scientific mechanisms, capacity building, information and data, communications, networking, outreach, and stakeholder participation.
WSSD PrepCom IV Side Event on Inter-Linkages
The UNU, together with several partners organized a side event during the ongoing WSSD Prepcom IV on the topic of Inter-linkages. The summary of the event, incluidng real audio of the speaches can be found at the ENB coverage here (external link).
UNU Side Event at the WSSD PrepCom II in New York
The seminar addressed questions of what policy options could best contribute to the goal of sustainable development within the context of the WSSD focusing on international environmental governance reform, financing for sustainable development and national and regional approaches for the effective implementation of MEAs.

Other News
Ramsar Handbooks Now Online
This site provides links to full texts of the Ramsar Handbooks in English, French and Spanish. The files are presented in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.

UNU Releases Key Policy Report on Managing Sustainable Development in Large Developing Countries
New UNU report to the ongoing WSSD preparatory process. this is the fourth in the series of reports that have been submitted officially as UNU's contribution to the WSSD.

South Pacific Regional Symposium on the Role of the Judiciary in Promoting Compliance with and Enforcement of Environmental Law
This Symposium aims to provide a Forum for Judges from the South Pacific countries to exchange views knowledge and experience in promoting the further development and implementation of environmental law in the region and to review the role of the Courts in promoting the rule of law in the area of sustainable development.