| Meetings and Events in 2003

- The information provided below is subject to change without notice. When an event spreads over two months, it is listed in the starting month.
- Information on each event is given in the following order:
Date, location
Meeting title
Meeting objective
Meeting organizer/Contact
3-8 January 2003, Pune, India
TCS (Tata Consultant Services) Week 2003
Jointly sponsored by UNU-IIST and Tata Consultant Services of India
UNU-IIST Contact Prof. HE Jifeng, e-mail: hjf@iist.unu.edu)
16 January 2003, Tokyo, Japan
EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum on "Children in Turmoil:
Rights of the Child in the Midst of Human Insecurity"
Organized by the Delegation of the European Commission in Japan and UNU, in cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Japan Committee for UNICEF, and supported by the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
UNU Center (Contact: Ramesh Thakur or Oddny Wiggen or Delegation of the European Commission in Japan, E-mail: deljapan@deljpn.cec.eu.int)
Go to the event website at: http://www.unu.edu/p&g/eu/2003.htm
[Press Release]
17 January 2003, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium "Globally-Integrated Environmental Assessment Modeling" and Formal Launch of the GLEAM Forum
(Free and open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel).
Website: http://www.unu.edu/env/GLEAM/
[Press Release]
21 January 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public forum on "Inter-linkages and Environmental Governance - National and Regional Strategies and Ways Forward in Asia and the Pacific"
Co-organized by the United Nations University (UNU), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOE), the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and the United Nations De-velopment Programme in Papua New Guinea (UNDP/PNG)
UNU Centre (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail: jerry@geic.or.jp or Uli Piest).
Website: www.geic.or.jp
[Press Release]
26-31 January 2003, Kwangju, Korea and Hadano, Japan
International Workshop on Regional Environmental Quality in the East Asian Coastal Hydrosphere: Environmental Quality Guidelines and Capacity Development
Co-organized by: United Nations University (UNU), Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology (KJIST), Shimadzu Corporation, Japan, UNESCO-MAB (ASPACO Project)
UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel) or Caroline King).
More Info: http://landbase.hq.unu.edu/Workshops/KwangjuJan2003/announcement.htm
5-6 February 2003 Dhaka, Bangladesh
BUET-UNU International Symposium, Fate of Arsenic in the Environment
UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel).
More Info: http://www.unu.edu/env/Arsenic/SymposiumBrochure.htm
12 February 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Book launch: "Government, Innovation and Technology Policy: An International Comparative Analysis"
UNU-INTECH (Contact Sunil Mani, e-mail: mani@intech.unu.edu).
12-13 February 2003, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Workshop on UN Peace Operations in the Asia Pacific Region
Organized by: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Singapore, in cooperation with UNU. Sponsored by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.
Contact: Albrecht Schnabel or
Yoshie Sawada.
17 February 2003, Brussels, Belgium
Book Launch: "Reforming Africa's Institutions: towards a domestic response"
by the director of the project, Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa, and contributors to the study including Moses L. Golola, Yvonne Tsikata and Tony Addison
UNU-WIDER (Contact Ara Kazandjian, e-mail: ara@wider.unu.edu).
24-25 February 2003, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan
World Lake Vision Plenary Meeting
To finalize the “World Lake VisionEwhich will be presented at the 3rd World Water Forum to be held in March 2003.
Organized by ILEC, Shiga Prefectural Government, UNEP-IETC, UNU and other international organizations.
Contact: Akiko Murano, e-mail: amurano@ilec.or.jp
25 February - 22 March 2003, Neuquen, Argentina
School on Component-based Software Development for College and University Teachers and Developers from Latin America
Transferring advanced software development techniques to Latin America.
Jointly organized and sponsord by UNU-IIST and Universidad Nacional del Comahue of Argentina
UNU-IIST (Contact Bernhard K. Aichernig, e-mail: bka@iist.unu.edu).
26-27 February 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
International Workshop: Building (Bio)pharmaceutical Systems in Developing Countries
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
6 March 2003, Tokyo, Japan
2003 International Women’s Day “Women’s Empowerment: the Key to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, jointly organized by UN Agencies in Japan
Contact: ILO (Ms. Hattori) Tel. (03) 5467-2701
6 March 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
INTECH Research Seminar Series 2003-1: "The New Competitive Advantage: Lessons for Developing Countries" by Prof. Michael Best
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
11 March 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
Joint UNU-IAS-UNCTAD Policy Dialogue on Biotechnology Applications and Trade
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, e-mail: chambers@ias.unu.edu).
13-14 March 2003, Accra, Ghana
UNU-INRA Annual Lectures
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh).
16-23 March 2003, Kyoto, Shiga, Osaka, Japan
The 3rd World Water Forum
Participants will be challenged not simply to define problems but to absorb the rich information presented at the Forum and draw on synergies in articulating sustainable solutions.
Two UNU-IAS co-organized sessions in the Forum (in collaboration with JSWE, MOE/J, and IGES on water quality monitoring and modeling, and in collaboration with the Environment and Population Research Center in Bangladesh on water and sanitation issues)
Contact: Secretariat of the 3rd World Water Forum, Tel: +81 3 5212 1645; Fax: +81 3 5212 1649; E-mail: office@water-forum3.com or K. Suzuki, e-mail: k_suzuki@ias.unu.edu/Y. Sato, e-mail: y_sato@ias.unu.edu.
17 March 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium on "What is expected of United Nations Diplomacy now? - Seeking Peace and Prosperity in the 21st century
Co-organized by MOFA, The Yomiuri Shimbun and UNU.
UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi)
18 March 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public lecture on "Botswana's Success Story - Overcoming the Challenges of Development"
by His Excellency Mr. Festus G. Mogae, President of Botswana.
To enhance public awareness in Japan on the development experience of Botswana.
Co-organized by the UNU, the Embassy of Botswana, the Japan Institute of International Affairs and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release]
[Copy of Lecture and Video]
21 March 2003, Montreal, Canada
Review Meeting of Post MYPOW (Multi-year Programme of Work of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity)
UNU-IAS (Contact: S. Johnston, e-mail: johnston@ias.unu.edu or B. Tobin, e-mail: tobin@ias.unu.edu).
24-26 March 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ASEAN Regional Workshop on Inter-linkages and Integrated Capacity Development
UNU Centre (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail: jerry@geic.or.jp)
25 March, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on “New Threats and Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Jointly organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and United Nations University
UNU Centre (Contact: Chiyuki Aoi).
26 March 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
INTECH Research Seminar Series 2003-2
Geographical Indications. Dr. Dwijen Rangnekar
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
28-29 March 2003, Tokyo, Japan
WIDER project conference on "Spatial Inequality in Asia"
(Ravi Kanbur, Tony Venables and Guanghua Wan)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: wan@wider.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
31 March to 4 April 2003, Mérida, Venezuela
International Course on
"New frontiers of bioinformatics in Latin America"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact Veronika Brundula, e-mail: unu@reacciun.ve
4 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Award Ceremony for 2002-2003 UNU-Kirin Fellows
UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi).
7-10 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
UNU-IAS Urban Sustainable Capacity Building exercise
UNU-IAS (Contact: P. Marcotullio, e-mail: pjmarco@ias.unu.edu or G. Boyle, e-mail: boyle@ias.unu.edu).
8 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public Forum: Closing of the International Year of Mountains 2002
Jointly organized by UNU and the Japanese National Committee of the IYM2002.
UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky).
[Press Release]
10 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public Forum on the occasion of "The European Union fifth Enlargement: 10 new members' country"
Jointly organized by the Presidency of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations University
[Press Release]
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert).
15 April 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Fifth U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "The Future of Our World"
Lecture by Professor Ahmed H. Zewail, 1999 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry
UNU-IAS (Contact Ann Yamamoto, e-mail: unuias@ias.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
15-16 April, 2003, Beijing, China
International Symposium on “Impacts of POPs from Urban Areas
UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel or Caroline King).
More Info: http://landbase.hq.unu.edu/EDC_Pollution/2003Symposium/announcement.htm
18-19 April 2003, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
International Symposium on "Improving Public Participation and Governance in International Watershed Management
This symposium will bring together water managers, international lawyers, government officials, and other experts from around the world to discuss experiences in promoting public participation in the management of international watercourses.
Convened by UNU, University of Virginia School of Law, Environmental Law Institute, America’s Clean Water Foundation, United Nations Environment Programme,
U.S. Department of State.
UNU Centre/Environmental Law Institute (Contact: Libor Jansky or Carl Bruch, E-mail: bruch@eli.org)
The programme available at: http://www.unu.edu/env/water/watercoursesforUNU.pdf
19-20 April 2003, Johannesburg
Project Workshop on "African Capacity for Policy Simulation: Towards Better Poverty Strategies"
UNU-WIDER (Contact Asghar Adelzadeh, e-mail: asghar@mweb.co.za).
24-25 April 2003, Accra, Ghana
Biennial Meeting of UNU-INRA College of Research Associates (CRA)
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh)
29April 2003, Reykjavik, Iceland
25th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR25)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
April 2003-September 2003, Brugge, Belgium
Virtual Workshop on Indicators of Regional Integration UNU-CRIS (Contact Philippe De Lombaerde, email: pdelombaerde@cris.unu.edu)
1-31 May 2003, Accra, Ghana
Training Course in Computer Applications to Natural Resource Management
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh)
5-23 May 2003, Hanoi, Vietnam
Unifying Theory of Programming, Model checking, and Software Development with UML
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Dang Van Hung, e-mail: dvh@iist.unu.edu).
13 May 2003, Tokyo, Japan
2003 Africa Day symposium
Keynote speech by President Wade of Senegal
Organized by the African Diplomatic Corps in Tokyo (ADC) and UNU
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release] [Speeches]
17-18 May 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER Project Meeting on "Innovative Sources of Development Finance"
(Tony Atkinson and Tony Addison)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: addison@wider.unu.edu).
18-24 May 2003, La Habana, Cuba
International Course on "Quality Control in the Biotechnology Industry"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact Veronika Brundula, e-mail: unu@reacciun.ve
19-21 May 2003, Katmandu, Nepal
2nd UNU-RIVM Workshop on "Environmental Dimensions of Poverty"
UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel).
More info: http://www.unu.edu/env/Gleam/Index.html
21 May 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
INTECH Research Seminar Series 2003-4:
"The Determinants of Governance Patterns in Global Value Chains" by Prof. John Humphrey
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
27 May 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Fridtjof Nansen Memorial Lecture on "Challenges for Peace and Reconciliation in the 21st Century"
by H.E. Kjell Magne Bondevik, Prime Minister of Norway
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release]
29 May 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER Project Meeting on "Measuring Human Wellbeing"
(Mark McGillivray)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: mark@wider.unu.edu).
29 May 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER Project Meeting on "Spatial Inequality in Development"
(Ravi Kanbur, Tony Venables and Guanghua Wan)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: wan@wider.unu.edu).
30-31 May 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER Development Conference on Inequality, Poverty and Human Well-being
(Almas Heshmati, Mark McGillivray and Tony Shorrocks)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: global@wider.unu.edu).
1 June 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER Project Workshop on "African Capacity for Policy Simulation: Towards Better Poverty Strategies"
UNU-WIDER (Contact Asghar Adelzadeh, e-mail: asghar@mweb.co.za).
2 June 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Roundtable on "Bioethics and Biotechnology: What is at stake for humanity now?"
Jointly organized by the Embassy of France, the Embassy of Germany, the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS).
UNU-IAS (Contact: M. Taeb, e-mail: taeb@ias.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
2-3 June 2003, Brugge, Belgium
Conference on "Linking Peace, Security and Regional Integration in Africa"
Co-Organised with Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford.
UNU-CRIS (Contact L. Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu)
5 June 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Workshop on "The Future of the Venture Capital Industry"
UNU-INTECH (Contact Yvonne de Groot, e-mail: degroot@intech.unu.edu).
9-10 June 2003, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
UNU-INWEH International Advisory Committee Meeting
UNU-INWEH (Contact: James D. Smith, e-mail: jdsmith@inweh.unu.edu
11 June 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
INTECH Research Seminar Series 2003-5: "The Rise of Modular Model of the Global Electronics Industry"
Tayo Akinwande
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
16-17 June 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
UNU-INTECH Annual Board Meeting
UNU-INTECH (Contact Jacqueline van Kesteren, e-mail: vankesteren@intech.unu.edu).
17-18 June, Tokyo, Japan
University Professor Training Programme on the WTO and Sustainable Development
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, e-mail: chambers@ias.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
19-20 June 2003, Helsinki, Finland
19th Session of the WIDER Board
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: wider@wider.unu.edu).
19-20 June 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
International Workshop on "TNCs, Capabilities and
Competitiveness: Evidence from Africa, Asia and Latin America"
UNU-INTECH (Contact Joseph Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
27-28 June 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER project meeting: Long-term Development in the CFA-zone Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa
UNU-WIDER (Contact David Fielding, e-mail: djf14@leicester.ac.uk).
1-5 July 2003, Seoul, Republic of Korea
UNU Global Seminar, Seoul Session, on "Community Building in Northeast Asia: Challenges and Opportunities"
UNU Centre, (contact: email: gsseoul@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
1-26 July 2003, Yaounde, Cameroon
Course on "Train-the-Trainers" in computer applications to natural resources
For academics/scientists from Universities and Research
Institutions in Francophone African countries. Course Coordinator:
Professor Laure Pauline Fotso (replaces Professor Maurice Tchuente,
now the Minister for Higher Education in Cameroon).
UNU-INRA (Contact: J.J. Baidu-Forson, E-mail: Baidu-Forson@inra.unu.edu.gh).
[Details and application form]
7 July 2003, New York, USA
Meeting of the Bureau of the UNU Council
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
7-27 July 2003, Accra, Ghana
Training Course in Plant Tissue Culture
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh)
27-30 July 2003, Akita Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Tohoku Session on "Global Environment and Regional Development"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gstohoku@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
28-30 July 2003, Bangkok, Thailand
Ensuring Flood Security for Sustainable Urbanization in the Asia-Pacific region
Organized by UNU and UNCRD
UNU Centre (Contact: Srikantha Herath).
More Info and Programme: http://iisha.hq.unu.edu/pls/flood
30-31 July 2003, Tokyo, Japan
UNU-UNESCO International Conference on Globalization with a Human Face
UNU Centre (Contact: Birgit Poniatowski).
1-15 August 2003, Zhengzhou, China
Methods and Tools for High Quality Software Development
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Liu Zhiming, e-mail: lzm@iist.unu.edu).
3-6 August 2003, Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Shimane Session on "Globalization and Human Development"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsshimane@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
6-8 August 2003, Accra, Ghana
Meeting of the Advisory Board of UNU-INRA
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh)
9 to 16 August, Papua New Guinea
PNG National Consultations and Pre-Regional Workshop on Inter-linkages and Integrated Capacity Development in the Pacific
Together with the Government of Papua New Guinea and UNDP in Papua New Guinea, the UNU is finalizing its country report on environmental governance in PNG as well as discussing a follow-up workshop on joint national and regional approaches and capacity development strategies.
UNU Centre (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail: or Uli Piest).
12 August 2003, Stockholm, Sweden - (during World Water Week, 10-16 August 2003)
Workshop on "Role and Governance Implications of Virtual Water Trade"
Co-convened by UNU, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency.
UNU Centre (Contact e-mail: Libor Jansky or Kumi Furuyashiki, or SIWI, e-mail: sympos@org).
27-30 August 2003, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Hokkaido Session on "Water, Environment and the Economy"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gshokkaido@hq.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
1-2 September 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Workshop on "Capacity Development Training for Monitoring of POPs in the East Asian Hydrosphere"
Co-organized by United Nations University (UNU), the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) and Shimadzu Corporation
UNU Centre (Contact: Caroline King).
[Press Release]
More Info: http://landbase.hq.unu.edu
1-5 September 2003, Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Shonan Session on "Will Human Security Supersede The State? - The Tasks Ahead"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsshonan@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
5 September 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Sixth U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "Agriculture, Development and Human Rights in the Future of Africa"
Lecture by The Honorable Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States of America and recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize
UNU-IAS (Contact: Mohammed Taeb, E-mail: Taeb@ias.unu.edu).
[Press Release] Live Broadcast
5 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland
Project Meeting on "Innovative Sources of Development Finance" (Tony Atkinson and Tony Addison)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: addison@wider.unu.edu).
6-7 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland
WIDER Development Conference: Sharing Global Prosperity (tentative title)
(Tony Addison, Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis)
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: prosperity@wider.unu.edu).
8-9 September 2003, Pisa, Italy
Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software FACS'03
UNU-IIST (Contact: Chris George, e-mail: cwg@iist.unu.edu).
8 to 12 September, Apia Samoa
Inter-linkages Side event during the SPREP Governing Council and
Brainstorming session among partners of the capacity development initiative in Asia and Pacific
UNU Centre (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail: or Uli Piest).
22 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Asia Pacific Initiative
UNU side event at the World Summit on the Information Society, Preparatory Committee 3.
Co-organizers: LEAD Japan, Keio University and CISCO Systems UNU Centre
UNU Centre (Contact: Brendan Barrett).
22 September 2003, Quebec, Canada
World Forests, Society & Environment (WFSE) Forum - a special event during the XII World Forestry Congress
To present the research results and launch the executive summary from the WFSE joint programme focusing on the interrelationships between forests, society and environment in support of sustainable development and well-being of people. Co-organized by UNU, Finnish Forest Research Institute, European Forest Institute, and International Union of Forest Research Organizations.
UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky or Gerardo Mery, IUFRO-WFSE, e-mail: gerardo.mery@metla.fi).
23-26 September 2003, Kobe/Awaji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Kobe/Awaji Session on "Will Science and Technology Save Our Global Community?"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gskobe@hq.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
29 September - 1 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
UNU-TICAD III activities
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert and Tara Tucker). [Press Release] Website
29 September 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public Lecture on "NEPAD, TICAD and MDGs (Millennium Development Goals): Challenges for German and Japanese Development Policies"
by Dr. Uschi Eid, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Co-operation and Development
In conjunction with TICAD III
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release] Reply sheet Other TICAD events View lecture
30 September 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium on "Commercial Prospects of Access to and Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources"
Organized jointly by the Japan Bioindustry Association (JBA) and United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
UNU-IAS (Contact: Brendan Tobin, e-mail: tobin@ias.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
1 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
UNU-MOFA Joint Symposium on "Towards the Elimination of the Chemical Weapons - Roles of the OPCW and Japan"
Jointly organized by MOFA
(Contact: Secretariat: UNU tel.3499-2811, MOFA: 3580-3311 ex.3190) [Programme and Registration Form]
1 October, Tokyo, Japan
Public Lecture on "Implementation of TICAD III: the perspective of an African Leader"
by His Excellency Mr. John Kufuor, President of Ghana
In conjunction with TICAD III
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release] Reply sheet Other TICAD events View lecture
2-3 October 2003, Brugge, Belgium
Research Workshop - Exploring the Tensions and Synergies between Regional Integration and Global Governance
Joint workshop with Centre for Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick
UNU-CRIS (Contact L. Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu)
3 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
"Our Commitments for the Future - Post-WSSD Symposium."
To assess the achievements of the past year, and the challenges still ahead.
Jointly organized by the United Nations University (UNU), the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS); Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; and Japan Ministry of the Environment. It is sponsored by The Mainichi Newspapers, Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and others.
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert). [Press Release]
4 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public Forum on "Living with Risk - Are We Prepared for the Next Big One?"
Organized to commemorate the 80th Great Kanto Earthquake, this public forum provides with an opportunity to discuss the present situation and policies on disaster preparedness, focusing especially on earthquake countermeasures in the Kanto region as well as probable impacts of the next great Kanto earthquake from both local and international perspectives.
UNU Centre (Contact: Srikantha Herath; Forum Registration: Mail Here). [Press Release] [Programme - English] [Programme - Japanese]
6 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
International Conference on "Globalization, Migration, and Human Security: Challenges in Northeast Asia"
Co-sponsored by the Center for East Asian Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies and
the Peace and Governance Programme, United Nations University
UNU Centre (Contact: Lysette Rutgers). [Programme and Registration]
6-9 October in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2nd University Professor-Training Programme on "The WTO and Sustainable Development"
To promote capacity development for countries in Asia by establishing long-term fundamental training to increase understanding and knowledge of WTO rules and their implications for sustainable development.
Co-organized by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), the World Trade Organization (WTO) Training Institute and the National University of Malaysia (UKM)
UNU-IAS (Contact Joy A. Kim, e-mail: kim@ias.unu.edu).
7-8 October 2003, Lima, Peru
UNU-BIOLAC training course "Molecular Techniques for research in Immunology"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
7-10 October 2003,Algiers, Algeria
UNU-INRA-UNECA Annual Lectures
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh)
8 October 2003, UNU Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on "Improving Public Participation and Governance in Water Resources Management"
This symposium will bring together water managers, international lawyers, government officials, and other experts from around the world to discuss experiences in promoting public participation in the management of international watercourses. Ultimately, this symposium will seek to identify successful mechanisms, approaches, and practices for promoting public involvement in water resources management. It will also examine the conditions that facilitate or hinder public involvement, as well as contextual factors that may limit transference of experiences from one watershed to another.
Co-organized by United Nations University and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT).
UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky or Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, TUAT, e-mail: mikiyasu@cc.tuat.ac.jp). [Press Release] [Website]
9 October 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands
INTECH Research Seminar Series 2003-3: "Taking a Seat in the Global Marketplace: Opportunities for "High Road" Upgrading in the Indonesian Wood Furniture Sector?"
by Anne Posthuma
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ad Notten, e-mail: notten@intech.unu.edu).
9-11 October 2003, Lima, Peru
Second International Congress of Immunology
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
14 - 31 October 2003,
Inaugural Session of the UNU-Australian National University Postgraduate Award Courses
(Contact: Chiyuki Aoi, e-mail: aoi@hq.unu.edu / Yoshie Sawada, e-mail: sawada@hq.unu.edu).
[Press Release]
17 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Seventh U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "Science, Society and the Challenge of the Future"
Lecture by Australian scientist Dr. Peter Doherty, co-winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Medicine
UNU-IAS (Contact: Mohammed Taeb, E-mail: Taeb@ias.unu.edu).
[Press Release] Live Broadcast
20-21 October, Tokyo, Japan
Zero Emission Symposium 2003
(The symposium will be conducted in Japanese; no English interpretation will be available)
UNU-ZEF (Contact: Hiroshi Sasaki, UNU-ZEF)
[Press Release - Japanese only]
24 October 2003, Tokyo, Japan
2003 UN Day Symposium on "Working for the UN"
Jointly organized by 18 UN agencies in Japan
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: unday2003@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
29-30 October 2003, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium "Alternative Approaches to Enhancing Small-Scale Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management in Marginal Areas- Experience in Monsoon Asia
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: Liang Luohui). [Press Release] Website: http://www.unu.edu/env/plec/marginal/
14 November 2003, UN headquarters, New York
Seminar on environmental governance: "Improving the role of the United Nations in Environmental Governance - National and Regional Approaches"
UNU-Global Environment Information Center (UNU-GEIC)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, email: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
17-19 November 2003, Caracas, Venezuela
UNU-BIOLAC training course "Detection Methods for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the food chain"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
18-19 November 2003, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on "Prospects for Food Security and Agricultural Sustainability In Developing Regions: New Roles of International Collaborative Research"
Organized by Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) in collaboration with UNU.
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: Liang Luohui) or the Symposium Secretariat at: Development ,
JIRCAS, Research Division, e-mail: sympo10@ml.affrc.go.jp
Website: http://ss.jircas.affrc.go.jp/sympo/sympo10/sympo10e.html .
20-21 November 2003, Caracas, Venezuela
UNU-BIOLAC Latin American Workshop on "Biosafety for Sustainable Development in Agri-biotechnology"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
20-21 November 2003, Brugge, Belgium
Conference on "Regional Integration, Governance and Global Public Goods"
UNU-CRIS (Contact Mary Farrell, email: mfarrell@cris.unu.edu)
20-21 November 2003, Brugge, Belgium
Second Annual Lecture
Guest Speaker: Dr. Inge KAUL, Director of the Office of Development Studies, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York.
UNU-CRIS (Contact L. Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu).
21-23 November 2003, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
International Symposium and Workshop on "Challenges in Strengthening of Capacities for Forest Policy Development in CITs (countries in transition)"
To review the emerging challenges to both forest policy research and policy processes in support of knowledge-based development strategies in Pan-European and global context; to evaluate the present state-of –art and practical capacity strengthening issues in forest science Eforest policy development interface in terms of country cases in Balkan, CIS-, CEEC and West and Central Asia region; to discuss the contribution of policy sciences and socio-economics to forest policy development processes; to deliberate the future options and strategies for capacity strengthening in region-based working groups, followed by recommendations for future actions on networking, partnership arrangements.
Co-organized by United Nations University, European Forest Institute (EFI), Silva-network/University of Joensuu, Universität fur Bodenkultur in Vienna, Institute of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry of the
Belgrade University and State Enterprise for Forest Management, Serbia Forest.
UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky or Brita Pajari, EFI, e-mail: brita.pajari@efi.fi).
22-25 November 2003, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Kanazawa Session
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: iicrc@quartz.ocn.ne.jp).
[Press Release]
24-29 November 2003, San Jose de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
UNU-BIOLAC training course "Molecular Biology Applications in Hematology for Latin America and the Caribbean"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
25-30 November 2003, Iwate, Japan
Training programme on Sustainable Energy Localities
Co-organized by UNU, LEAD Japan and the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
UNU Centre (Contact: Brendan Barrett and Mitisuru Yaegashi, email:
26 November 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Public Forum on "Health and Development - Economic Aspects of Public Health"
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
[Draft Programme] [Reply Sheet]
29 November 2003, Tokyo, Japan
26th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR26)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
30 November - 5 December 2003, Caracas, Venezuela
UNU-BIOLAC training course "Mechanisms of Cell Cycle Control: Inhibition, Apoptosis or Oncogenicity"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
1-5 December 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Fiftieth Session of the UNU Council
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
10 December 2003, UN headquarters, New York
Globalization of Human Rights: pros & cons
Media launch and presentation of:
Globalization of Human Rights (United Nations University Press), co-edited by Jean-Marc Coicaud (United Nations University), Michael Doyle (Columbia University) and Amy Gardner (Barnard College)
UNU-Peace and Governance Program
Contact: UNU Office in New York, email: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
11 December 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The Future of E-learning
UNU side event at the World Summit on the Information Society, Part I
Co-organizers: Global Virtual University, UNEP GRID Arendal, LEAD, Keio University, University of Hawaii, Television Trust for the Environment and CISCO Systems
UNU Centre (Contact: Brendan Barrett)
12 December 2003, Concepción, Chile
UNU-BIOLAC International Seminar: "Intellectual Property and Technological Transfer, Key Tools for Sustainable Development"
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact: Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve).
18-21 December 2003, Sashiki-cho, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Okinawa Session
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsokinawa@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]

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