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Meetings and Events in 1998

UNU Events in

Please note that when an event spreads over two months, it is listed in the starting month.

    2-4 July, Tokyo
    Expanded Management Group Meeting of PLEC project

    Objective: To discuss organizational matters and plan the implementation of the project under funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

    3-4 July, Maastricht, the Netherlands
    Fourth Workshop Environmental Regulation, Globalization of Production and Technological Change (UNU/INTECH)

    Objective: To discuss progress reports of the third phase of the UNU/INTECH project on Environmental Regulation and Technological Change. Participants will discuss preliminary findings of nine industrialising countries case studies on technological change and competitiveness in three pollution intensive industries (fertilizers, iron and steel, and leather).

    3-31 July, Amman, Jordan
    Training Programme on Learn About Leadership Directly from the Leaders (UNU/ILA)

    Objective: To provide training in leadership skills and attitudes while fostering commitment to sustainable development, sustainable democracy, civil society, institutions, and peaceful resolution of disputes.

    6-17 July, Capetown, South Africa
    Fourth Workshop on Formal and Applied Computer Science (WOFACS’98), organised by the University of Capetown and cosponsored by UNU/IIST

    9 July, Maastricht, the Netherlands
    Official Opening Ceremony of the new UNU/INTECH premises

    12-13 July, Kampala, Uganda
    UNU/INTECH Pre-Project Planning Workshop for Gender and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa Programme, under the project on Implications for Employment and Trade in Developing Countries, India

    14-22 July, Caracas, Venezuela
    UNU/BIOLAC Training Course on Simulation and Economic Evaluation of Biotechnology Processes

    15-17 July, Boulder, Colorado, USA
    La Niña Summit, a workshop organized in cooperation with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and UNEP

    Objective:To identify what is known with some degree of reliability about the cold event (La Niña) and about its societal and environmental impacts. The workshop serves to develop a new initiative of the UNU on "El Niño Impacts and Response Strategies for Pacific Rim Countries." For details on the workshop, click here.

    21-24 July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    UNU/IAS Environment and Multilateral Diplomacy workshop on Global Environmental Governance: An Asian Perspective

    July (3 weeks), Accra, Ghana
    Project Workshop on Radio Computer Networking

    Objective: To assist scientists in setting up local computer network infrastructure and in connecting it with global academic networks.


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