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Meetings and Events in 1998

UNU Events in

Please note that when an event spreads over two months, it is listed in the starting month.

1-9 April, Miranda, Venezuela
Training Course on Simulation and Economic Evaluation of Biotechnological Processes (UNU/BIOLAC)

Objective: To acquaint young researchers from Latin America in the area of biotechnological processes with the characteristics of formulation and economic evaluation of the projects in the field.

1 April 1998-31 March 1999
Training Programme on Food Science and Technology (UNU-Kirin Fellowships)

Objective: To provide researchers from developing countries, mostly from the Asia-Pacific region, with training opportunities in the area of food science and technology. Fellows are given support for carrying out research when they return to their countries. Support for both the training and follow-up research is provided by the Kirin Brewery Company.

2 April, Helsinki, Finland
Public lecture on "The World Food Situation: recent developments, emerging issues, and long-term prospects" by Professor Per Pintstrup-Andersen (UNU/WIDER)

9 April, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture by Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, on the subject of The African Renaissance, in cooperation with the South African Embassy and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[Related press release]

17-18 April, Oxford, United Kingdom
Second Workshop on Investing in the South: Technological and Financial Investment Decisions by Manufacturing Firms in Southern Europe (UNU/INTECH)

Objective: To discuss reports prepared during the first phase of the project, which will involve comprehensive presentations of the methodology of the project and three country reports. Invited experts in the area of corporate finance, monetary integration and SME's and the finance sector in industralizing countries will provide additional input.

20-30 April, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Training Course on Formal Software Development (UNU/IIST)

Objective: The course will focus mainly on the RAISE (Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering) method. The course is organized jointly with the State Commission for Science and Technology, and about 40 participants are expected to attend the course.

27-29 April, Santiago, Chile
Project meeting (UNU/WIDER)

Objective: To present and discuss final papers of the project on "Land Distribution, Land Feform and Economic Growth."

27 April - 4 May, China
Project Review Meeting of UNU/IAS-China's Sustainable Development Framework Project

Objective: To evaluate the research being done for the project at the first year's half-way point by the Chinese research and policy institutes and provide guidance for ensuring the integration of the various research efforts for the final report.

27 April-17 June 1998, Geneva, Switzerland
Training Course on Analysis and Management of Geological Risks

Objective: To provide training in the mitigation of natural disasters as a cooperative activity between the UNU and University of Geneva.

27 April-27 October, Reykjavik, Iceland
Geothermal Training Programme

Objective: To assist developing countries with significant geothermal potential to build up groups of specialist to cover most aspects of geothermal exploration and development. The training is organized jointly with the National Energy Authority.

27 April-5 December, São Jose dos Campos, Brazil
Training Programe on Remote Sensing Technology

Objective: To train specialists from developing countries in remote sensing techniques and research methods, and to promote the use of remote sensing techniques for surveying, planning and management of natural resources in developing countries.

April 1998-March 1999, Campinas, Brazil
Training Programme on Science and Technology Policy

Objective: To prepare professionals and researchers with the capability to critically reflect on the development of science and technology policies and their socio-economic implications in global and regional contexts. Special emphasis is given to conditions in Latin America. This programme leads to a master's degree.


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