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Meetings and Events in 2001
Workshop on Software Testing To present a seminar on formal methods and how they relate to software testing to academics and software professionals in the Hyderabad area. UNU/IIST (Contact: Mr. Chris George, e-mail: 12-13 January, Helsinki, Finland Project Meeting on "Production, Employment and Income Distribution in the Global Digital Economy." Project Director, Prof Matti Pohjola. To discuss the drafts of the papers of the project. UNU/WIDER (Contact: 15-19 January, UNU/IIST, Macau Training course on Software Project Management UNU/IIST (Contact: Miss Alice Pun, e-mail: 25-26 January, UNU, Tokyo, Japan EU-UNU Conference on "Partners in Humanitarian Crises: Prevention, Management and Resolution" A high-level international conference, jointly organized by UNU and Delegation of the European Commission in Japan, to discuss on complex humanitarian emergencies, focusing on issues of interest to the EU, Japan and the United Nations. Objective is to raise awareness and to crease concrete and practical recommendations based upon partnership between all actors involved. UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur, e-mail: or Edward Newman, e-mail: [Press Release] [Conference Report] 30 January - 5 February, San Jose/Turrialba, Costa Rica UNU/World Forest, Society and Environment Research Program Strategy Workshop at Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE) To further advance the UNU/WFSE program structure and strategy for 2001-5. Co-sponsors: Finnish Forest Research Institute; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland; CATIE Finish Forest Research Institute (METLA) (Contact: Matti Palo, e-mail: 31 January 2001, Tokyo, Japan UNU-Akino Memorial Research Project Introductory Seminar Orientation ceremony for the second batch of UNU-Akino fellows who will conduct research in Central Asia under the overall theme of "Peace and Environment in Central Asia. UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi).
"LOCALIZING ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION: Bringing Together Local Governments and Urban Stakeholders in the Asia Pacific Region" Ten City Mayors and officials from cities in the Asia-Pacific region will be provided training in urban environmental management and related issues. It includes a simulation exercise in negotiation, consensus-building and partnership. UNU Centre (Contact: Hari Srinivas or Makiko Yashiro or Masako Yokota). 6-9 February, Caracas, Venezuela I Congreso Venezolano de Bioética - I Congreso Iberoamericano de Bioética To consider reasonable solutions to the bio-ethical problems from an integral perspective of Man by means of the joint scientific and humanistic knowledge. Sponsors: 1. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello; 2. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Medicina, Centro Nacional de Bioética; 3. Pontificia Universidad de Comillas, Facultad de Teología, Cátedra de Bioética; 4. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Medicina, Instituto de Bioética and 5. UNU/BIOLAC. UNU/BIOLAC (Contact: Dr. Ludwig Schmidt, e-mail: or Sra. Lidia García, e-mail:; Tel: +58-2/4074311, /4074312 /4074413; Fax: +8-2/4074312) 10-16 February, Chiang Mai, Thailand TRF-PLEC Workshop on Regeneration Ecology and Management for Degraded Landscapes and Forest Ecosystems PLEC Thailand Sub Cluster, Chiang Mai University (Contact: Kanok Rerkasem, e-mail: 18-19 February, Kunming, China Annual Meeting of PLEC China Cluster To review progress in 2000 and plan forward PLEC China Cluster, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XTBG/CAS) (Contact: Guo Huijun, e-mail: 22 February, UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan World Bank - UNU Public Forum: "Global Sustainablility - Challenges and Responses for the New Millennium" UNU Centre (Contact: Julius Court) 22 February, UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan 2nd UNU Mountain Working Group Meeting To finalize the plan of major activities in 2001-2 for the International Year of Mountain 2002. UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky). 26-27 February, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Workshop on Inter-Linkages, Synergies and Coordination among Multilateral Environmental Agreements Co-organized with the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (MOSTE), Malaysia, Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Japan, and the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (SIS), Malaysia. UNU Centre (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail:
1-3 March, Milwaukee, USA Author workshop on UNU Project "Human Rights and Societies in Transition" UNU Centre (Contact: Albrecht Schnabel). 1-11 March, Kathmandu University, Nepal Formal Software Specification using RAISE UNU/IIST (Contact: Tomasz Janowski, e-mail: 2-22 March, Bangkok, Thailand "FOLLOW THE LEADER: Youth and Environmental Leadership in the Asia Pacific Region" Ten Japanese students from various universities will be teamed up with ten Asian students at the Asian Institute of Technology to receive training on local environmental management and leadership issues. It includes a simulation exercise in negotiation, consensus-building and partnership. UNU Centre (Contact: Hari Srinivas or Makiko Yashiro or Masako Yokota). 5-20 March, 2001, Tamil Nadu, India UNU-UNESCO International Training Course: "Coastal Biodiversity in Mangrove Ecosystems" The main objective of the Training Course is to build the capacity of professionals and institutions in developing countries to undertake monitoring, research and conservation of critical coastal ecosystems within mangrove forests. This will be achieved through training of young professionals in the scientific methodology and description of latest research work on related subjects. A secondary objective is to promote and encourage development of a network of professionals from developing countries working in this field. Course coordinator: Dr. AN. Subramanian (, Professor, CAS in Marine Biology, Annamalai University. UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel, Tel: +81-3-3499-2811; Fax: +81-3-3406-7347; e-mail: Zafar Adeel).
7-8 March, Pretoria, South Africa Workshop on the UNU Project on "Children in Armed Conflict in Africa" (INTERACT Project), organized jointly with the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretoria. Sponsored by the UNU, Canadian Government and Norwegian Government. UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur). 8-9 March, Santiago, Chile UNU/WIDER Project Planning Meeting: Capital Flows to Developing Countries since the Asian Crisis: How to Manage their Volatility UNU/WIDER (Contact: 10-12 March, Maputo, Mozambique Second Meeting of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS)* * ICISS was launched by Canadian Foreign Minister, Lloyd Axworthy. The establishment of the Commission was announced by Canadian Prime Minister Chrétien in his address at the UN Millennium Summit on 7th September 2000. The purpose of the Commission is to contribute to building a broader understanding of the issues surrounding the problem of intervention and State Sovereignty, and to fostering a global political consensus. The Commission will focus on the appropriate international reaction to massive violations of human rights and crimes against humanity, as well as address the question of preventive action through an international work programme of consultation and outreach. UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur). 15-16 March, Tokyo, Japan Conference on "Challenges Facing Japan in the Twenty-First Century" (co-organized with the National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA)) To examine the role of Japan in the 21st Century from the broad perspective with participation of renowned experts in the area. UNU/IAS (Contact: Emiko Kakiuchi, e-mail: [Press Release] 19-20 March, Tokyo, Japan Workshop on "The Role of Science in the Dialogue of Civilizations" This closed workshop is intended to facilitate in-depth discussions on an important cross-cutting issue in preparation for the International Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations in July/August (see below). UNU Centre (Contact: Birgit Poniatowski) 21-23 March, Amsterdam, Netherlands Workshop on "Refugees and Human Displacement in Contemporary International Relations: Reconciling State and Individual Sovereignty" UNU Centre (Contact: Edward Newman). 26-28 March, Bruges, Belgium 21st Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR) UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond, email: 28-29 March, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Annual UNU/INWEH International Advisory Committee Meeting UNU/INWEH (Contact: Ralph J. Daley, e-mail:
Dissemination Seminar and press interviews on the findings of the UNU Project on "Civil Society and Global Finance" UNU Centre (Contact: Albrecht Schnabel)
Co-hosted meetings on Global Water Issues: A Primer for the 3rd World Water Forum, as follows: UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel, Tel: +81-3-3499-2811; Fax: +81-3-3406-7347; e-mail: Zafar Adeel). [Press Release] 5-6 April, Washington, DC (IMF and World Bank) Dissemination Seminar and press interviews on the findings of the UNU Project on "Civil Society and Global Finance" UNU Centre (Contact: Albrecht Schnabel) 6-8 April, Amman, Jordan Conference on the "'New Diplomacy' and the Development of International Law" Jointly organized with the Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism of the University of Waterloo, and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) This is a third and last conference of a series of UNU/University of Waterloo/DFAIT joint conferences on the "New Diplomacy." The Jordan conference will focus on the close interface between the evolution of "new diplomacy" and the development of international law. UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur) 16-17 April, Seoul, Korea UNU International Symposium: "Industries and EDC Pollution Hosted by KORDI and KJIST. (a) To share experience on EDC Pollution in East Asian Region and Developed Countries and (b) to report on data collection and analysis of DDT, DDE and HCH from participating countries. UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel and Makiko Yamauchi) [Press Release] 19-21 April, Hadano, Japan UNU International Training Workshop: "Analytical Procedures for Monitoring Phthalates Hosted by Shimadzu Corp. To train national project coordinators of the project (Participation is limited to UNU partners only) UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel and Makiko Yamauchi) 19-21 April, Helsinki, Finland Project Meeting on "Property Rights Regimes, Microeconomic Incentives and Development." To discuss the drafts of the papers of the project. UNU/WIDER (Contact: Laixiang Sun, e-mail: 23 April, New York, USA World Governance Survey: Preliminary Findings and Next Steps. UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur or Julius Court). 26-27 April, Tokyo, Japan The Role of Communication and Media in the Dialogue of Civilizations This closed workshop is intended to facilitate in-depth discussions on an important cross-cutting issue in preparation for the International Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations in July/August (see below). UNU Centre (Contact: Birgit Poniatowski)
5th Meeting of PLEC Management Group To review progress and plan forward Jointly organized by UNU Center, and PLEC Tanzania Sub Cluster, Agricultural Research and Development Institute Ukiriguru. UNU Centre (Contact: Liang Luohui and Fidelis Kaihura, e-mail: 3-5 May, Tokyo, Japan The Role of Education in the Dialogue of Civilizations This closed workshop is intended to facilitate in-depth discussions on an important cross-cutting issue in preparation for the International Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations in July/August (see below). UNU Centre (Contact: Birgit Poniatowski) 4-5 May, Helsinki, Finland Project Meeting: Institutional Capabilities, Reform Ownership and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. To discuss the drafts of the papers of the project. UNU/WIDER (Contact: Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa, e-mail: 5 May, Geneva, Switzerland Conference on "The Role of the WTO in Global Governance" Organized by the Ford Foundation in collaboration with the United Nations University. Contact: Gary Sampson, e-mail: 5-7 May, Dhaka, Bangladesh UNU-BUET International Workshop on "Technologies For Arsenic Removal From Drinking Water" (a) To update the technological development in arsenic removal from contaminated groundwater for drinking water supply; (b) to assess the problems and prospects of treatment of arsenic contaminated water as a practical and sustainable solution to water supply problems in arsenic affected areas; and (c) to identify prospective technologies for arsenic removal and delineate areas of further development for successful implementation and adaptation to rural conditions. UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel, Tel: +81-3-3499-2811; Fax: +81-3-3406-7347; Zafar Adeel) 7-13 May, 2000, Guiyang city, Guizhou, China Duration Calculus and Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Concurrent Systems UNU/IIST (Contact: Professor Zhang Mingyi, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, e-mail: 14-18 May, 2000, Guiyang City, Guizhou, China Formal Software Development using RAISE UNU/IIST (Contact: Professor Zhang Mingyi, Guizhou Academy of Sciences). 14 May - 22 June 2001, Tokyo Japan UNU International Courses (UNU/IC) To provide training for a selected group of postgraduate students and working people (with a college or university degree) in Japan and abroad who are seeking jobs in international fields in public-service or private organizations, including the United Nations, multinational corporations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as national foreign-service organizations. Course Director: Prof. Yozo Yokota E-mail: UNU Centre (Contact: Wilma James). 15 May 2001, Tokyo Japan Public Lecture on "The Situation After Achievement of Peace in Tajikistan and its Rehabilitation and Reconstruction" By His Excellency Mr. Rakhmonov Emomali Sharipovich, President of the Republic of Tajikistan UNU Centre (Contact: Julius Court). 16 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands Innovation, Learning and Technological Dynamism of Developing Countries A one day Conference of younger scholars (in and around the Netherlands) working on issues related to technology in developing countries. UNU/INTECH in association with the Research School for Resource Studies for Development - Ceres UNU/INTECH (Contact: Sunil Mani, E-mail: 22 May, Tokyo, Japan Africa Day 2001: "The Millennium Africa Recovery Plan (MAP)" Commemorating the 38th Anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) Keynote Lecture by H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria UNU Centre (Contact: Julius Court). [Press Release] 23 May, Tokyo, Japan State of the Art of Forestry Research under European Context Lecture and UNU/EFI Project Preparatory Meeting on "The Role of Forest Research and Capacity Development in the National Forestry Programmes in the Countries in Transition" with Prof. Dr. Risto Päivinen, Director of the European Forest Institute, Joensuu in Finland UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky). 24-25 May, Tokyo, Japan The Role of Ethics in the Dialogue of Civilizations This closed workshop is intended to facilitate in-depth discussions on an important cross-cutting issue in preparation for the International Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations in July/August (see below). UNU Centre (Contact: Birgit Poniatowski) 25-26 May, Helsinki, Finland UNU/WIDER Development Conference on Growth and Poverty UNU/WIDER (Contact: 25-27 May, Kathmandu, Nepal Author workshop on UNU Project on "Understanding and Managing Insurgent Movements" UNU Centre (Contact: Albrecht Schnabel). 28-30 May, Macau UNU/IIST Board meeting UNU/IIST (Contact: Wendy Hoi, e-mail: 28-29 May, Accra, Ghana UNU/INRA Meeting on "Revitalizing African Research and education" Leading academics, scientists meet to launch a campaign to revive Africa's research and higher education systems. UNU/INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, Accra, Ghana: Tel: +233-21-500396, 233-24-340893; e-mail: Terry Collins,North America: Tel: +1-416-538-8712; +1-416-878-8712, e-mail: 30 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands PhD defense - John O. Adeoti (MERIT - UNU/INTECH) Technology Investment in Pollution Control in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Case of the Nigerian Manufacturing Industry Aula of Maastricht University, Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht UNU/INTECH (Contact: Sunil Mani, E-mail: for a copy of the thesis, or click here for a summary version [PDF file]).
International Symposium on Environmental Accounting (co-organized with the Environment Agency of Japan), To build awareness of Environmental Accounting in the private sector in the light of a current move by UN to enhance collaboration with them. UNU/IAS (Contact: Masako Unoura, e-mail: [Press Release] 6 June, Tokyo, Japan International Symposium on "An Ecosystems Approach to Sustainability" (Organized in cooperation with the World Resources Institute). To mark the official launch of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) in the Asia-Pacific region. It will immediately follow the global launch of the MA in New York by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. UNU/IAS (Contact: Sombo Yamamura, e-mail: [Press Release] 6-8 June, Accra, Ghana 5th Meeting of the UNU/INRA Board UNU/INRA (Contact 7 June, Tokyo, Japan 1st U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "Globalization, Global Community and the United Nations" This inaugural lecture of the U Thant Distinguished Lecture Series will be delivered by Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia. The U Thant Distinguished Lecture Series will provide an opportunity for up to four prominent individuals each year to visit the University and share their insights and experiences with scholars, policy makers, business leaders and also the general public. UNU Centre and UNU/IAS (Contact: Julius Court) and Peter J. Marcotullio, e-mail: [Press Release] 8-9 June, Tokyo, Japan Workshop on "Climate Change and Water Resources Management" (Co-hosted meetings on critical water management and climate issues, by UNU in partnership with the 3rd World Water Forum Secretariat and supported by WWC, UNEP, WMO, GWP, IUCN, UNESCO-IHP, HELP, IWMI and WWAP. To identify actions that can be taken at local, regional and international levels to mitigate the water related consequences of climate variability and change. Progress on the dialogue will be reported at the Third World Water Forum in Japan in March 2003. UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky). 8-11 June, Bangkok, Thailand Third Meeting of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur). 15-16 June 2001, Helsinki, Finland Project Meeting on "Insurance Against Poverty." To discuss the drafts of the papers of the project. UNU/WIDER (Contact: Stefan Dercon, e-mail: 17-18 June, Amman, Jordan UNU Workshop on The Role of Leadership in Dialogue Among Civilisations UNU/LA (Contact: Kennedy Graham, e-mail: 18-19 June 2001, Helsinki, Finland 17th Session of the Board of WIDER UNU/WIDER (Contact: 20-21 June, Maastrict, The Netherlands 12th Meeting of the UNU/INTECH Board UNU/INTECH (Contact: 25 June, Maastricht, The Netherlands INTECH Research Seminar Series 2001-3 Innovation and Competition in the Era of 'Shareholder Value": The Optical Networking Industry UNU/INTECH (Contact: Rose Kiggundu, E-mail:
UNU-Akino Memorial Initiatives Advisory Committee Meeting, UNU Center, Tokyo, Japan Annual meeting of the Board which oversees the activities of the grant made by the Japanese Government in memory of Dr. Yutaka Akino. UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi). 3 July, Maastricht, The Netherlands INTECH Research Seminar Series 2001-4 Knowledge Dynamics and the Mergers of Firms in the Pharmaceutical Industry UNU/INTECH (Contact: Rose Kiggundu, E-mail: 11-13 July, New York, USA Meeting of the Bureau of the UNU Council UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond). 12 July, Tokyo, Japan Public Forum: Evolving Concept of Peacebuilding: Natural Resource Management and Conflict Prevention To discuss "Prevention of conflict resurgence" and "Natural resource management and conflict prevention" which represent major challenges to development cooperation in the present world characterized by powerful forces of globalization. Jointly organized by UNU, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID). Details and application form available at: Contact FASID, Tel. +81-3-5226-0305/6, Fax: +81-3-3579-8595, E-mail: 24-27 July, Hamada (Shimane Prefecture), Japan UNU Global Seminar Shimane Session on "IT, the Family and Gender - Coping with socio-economic change in the information age" UNU Centre (Contact: Mineko Minemura, e-mail: [Press Release] [Japanese] 27-30 July, Port Moresby & Sogeri Ogotana, Papua New Guinea Cluster Meeting of PLEC- Papua New Guinea and Field Day To review progress, plan forward and conduct field demonstrations on agrodiversity. Organized by PLEC-Papua New Guinea at National Research Institute Contact: John Sowei, e-mail: 30-31 July, Hong Kong International Conference on the project on "Non-Traditional Security Issues - East Asia" To bring all the research directors and research participants together to present the research findings. UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur or Edward Newman). 30 July - 17 August, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Software Technology Training School To train professionals from Central Asia in software engineering. UNU/IIST (Contact: Dr Richard Moore, e-mail: 31 July-3 August, Tokyo/Kyoto, Japan International Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations United Nations University will contribute to the 2001 "United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations" with a scientific exploration of the dialogue itself, bringing together academics from diverse cultural backgrounds for discussions aimed at a better understanding of what is necessary to realize a meaningful dialogue among civilizations. The conference is organized in collaboration with UNESCO. UNU Centre (Contact: Birgit Poniatowski)
Fourth Meeting of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur). 17-18 August, Helsinki, Finland UNU/WIDER Development Conference on 'Debt Relief' UNU/WIDER (Contact:
World Summit for Sustainable Development: Eminent Persons Meeting on Inter-linkages - Bridging Problems and Solutions to Work Towards Sustainable Development UNU/GEIC (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail: or Hiroko Shimizu, e-mail: 3-7 September, Hayama (Kanagawa Prefecture), Japan UNU Global Seminar Shonan Session on "Issues and Prospects of the Global Environment" UNU Centre (Contact: Wakana Fukuda, e-mail: [Press Release] [Japanese] 5 September, Maastricht, The Netherlands INTECH Research Seminar Series 2001-5 Industrial Structure, Technology Intensity and Growth UNU/INTECH (Contact: Rose Kiggundu, E-mail: 10-14 September, Beijing, China Fourth International Workshop: "Soil Conservation Methodologies and Integrated Land Management" Contact: UNU Centre - Zafar Adeel, Tel: +81-3-3499-2811; Fax: +81-3-3406-7347; or Dr. Wang Tao (e-mail:, Director, Institute of Desert Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, 730000, China. 20-22 September, Conakry, Guinea National Meeting on Agrobiodiversity and Rural Development Sustainability To review project findings and recommendations and propose a new phase of PLEC in Guinea Organised by PLEC- Guinea at University of Conakry. Contact: Ibrahima Boiro, e-mail: 30 September - 4 October, Interlaken, Switzerland UNU Mountain Photograph Exhibit: Mountain Prospects - Images for the International Year of Mountains 2002 Organized on the occasion of the International Mountain Symposium in the preparation for IYM 2002. UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky).
Buidling a Green Economy - Natural Capitalism and the Rebirth of Economics Co-hosted by UNU and Future 500. UNU Centre (Contact: Brendan Barrett, e-mail: or Julius Court). 1 October, Maastricht, The Netherlands Amilcar Herrera Annual Public Lectures 2001 Technological Revolutions and Opportunities for Development as a Moving Target UNU/INTECH (Contact: 2 October, Tokyo, Japan UNAIDS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SPEAKS AT UNU ON AIDS AND HUMAN SECURITY UNU 2-5 October, Kobe, Japan UNU Global Seminar Kobe Session on "Building a New Asia and International Order" UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi). [Press Release] 9-12 October, Accra, Ghana The 6th PLEC West Africa Cluster Regional Workshop To review results and recommendations and propose a new phase of PLEC in West Africa PLEC West Africa Cluster, University of Ghana and University of Conakry (Contact: E. A. Gyasi, e-mail: or Ibrahima Boiro, e-mail: 11-12 October, Macau UNU-RIVM International Workshop on "Framework for Globally-Integrated Modeling of Earth Systems" (a) bringing the worldwide focus on the need and utility of globally integrated models, particularly in reference to implementation of various MEAs; and (b) serving as a catalyst in development of global integrated models by providing a forum for discussion and bringing together a network of modelers. UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel, Tel: +81-3-3499-2811; Fax: +81-3-3406-7347) 10-12 October, Singapore International Conference on the project on "Non-Traditional Security Issues - East Asia and Southeast Asia" UNU Centre (Contact: Ramesh Thakur or Edward Newman). 15 October - 9 November, Chennai, India Training School on the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science To train university teachers from countries neighboring India to improve fundamental courses of computer science. UNU/IIST (Contact: Zhou Chaochen, e-mail: 16-24 October 2001, Accra, Ghana Leadership for African Women Entrepreneurs: First UNU/LA-UNU/INRA Leadership Course UNU/LA (Contact: Kennedy Graham, e-mail: 19 October 2001, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania The Technical and Policy Recommendations Workshop To present both technical and political recommendation emanating from four years of PLEC work in Tanzania for necessary actions at regional, national and where possible international level. Organized by PLEC Tanzania Sub Cluster, Agricultural Research and Development Institute Ukiriguru. (Contact: Fidelis Kaihura, e-mail: 19-20 October, Rome, Italy Second workshop of the project European Financial Markets and Corporate performance (EIFC) UNU/INTECH (Contact: 21-26 October, Otsuchi, Japan 3rd UNU-ORI Joint International Workshop: "Marine Environment and Coastal Ecology - Nutrient cycles and Marine pollution" (a) Exchange of young researchers between Japan and East Asian countries under the UNU Coastal Hydrosphere programme; (b) to present state-of-the-science research in marine environment. UNU Centre (Contact: Zafar Adeel). 22-24 October, Tokyo, Japan 2001 Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres (IAPTC) To hold the annual meeting of the International Association of Peacekeepig Training Centers, and to celebrate UN Day. Co-organised by the United Nations University and the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres. UNU Centre (Contact: The IAPTC 2001 Annual Conference Organizing Committee: Albrecht Schnabel, Wafula Okumu, Yoshie Sawada, email: 23 October, Tokyo, Japan UN Day 2001 Conference "Reforming UN Peace Operations: New Challenes for Peacekeeping Training" (Being organized as part of the 2001 IAPTC Annual Conference) Organized jointly by UNU and the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres (IAPTC) UNU Centre (Contact: Albrecht Schnabel) 25 October, Maastricht, The Netherlands INTECH Research Seminar Series 2001-6 Social Capital and Economic Development: Local and regional Clusters in Canada UNU/INTECH (Contact: 25-26 October, Tokyo, Japan Zero Emissions Symposium 2001: Zero Emissions Economy and Utilization of Biological Resources UNU Centre (Contact: UNU Zero Emissions Forum Secretariat, Tel: +81-3-3499-2811, Fax: +81-3-5467-1308) [Press Release] October, Maastricht, The Netherlands INTECH Research Seminar Series 2001-6 China and the Global Economy: ICT Case Studies UNU/INTECH (Contact: Rose Kiggundu, E-mail:
Market-friendly Innovation Policies in Developing Countries A two day concluding workshop on policy instruments to stimulate R&D in the enterprise-sector in developing countries. The workshop will deliberate on the cases of Malaysia, Singapore, India, South Africa and Israel. Participation by invitation only UNU/INTECH (Contact: Sunil Mani, E-mail: 8-10 November, Montreal, Canada International Symposium on "Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems" To bring together experience and ideas on the management of agricultural biodiversity and to make an impact on international and national biodiversity programmes and policy. Co-organized by UNU, the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) and SCBD, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). UNU Centre (Contact: Liang Luohui, UNU/PLEC). 10 November, Otaru City, Hokkaido, Japan "International Forum in Otaru" Organized by United Nations University, Otaru City, Otaru University of Commerce. For application/inquiries, please contact: Otaru City International Cultural Exchange Office: Tel. 0134-29-4544, Fax 0134-32-1478. 14 November, Shiga, Japan UNU Workshop on Lakes and Reservoirs as Important Elements of International Water System UNU contribution to the World Lake Vision focusing on international aspects of lake system management as on integrated system. UNU Centre (Contact: Libor Jansky). 19-22 November, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan UNU Global Seminar Kanazawa Session on "Global Issues and the United Nations" Contact: Kengo Onishi, email: 22 November, Tokyo, Japan Public Lecture on "The Earth Charter: Voice of the Age to Come" by Dr. Kamla Chowdry of the Vikram Sarabhai Foundation, New Delhi. She is a former Minister of Environment of India and co-Chair of the steering committee of the Earth Charter Commission. Jointly organized by UNU and the Embassy of India. UNU Centre (Contact: Julius Court). 26-28 November, Utrecht, Netherlands Conference on "International humanitarian law and criminal justice" UNU Centre (Contact: Edward Newman). 26-28 November, Arusha, Tanzania Regional meeting for East Africa Cluster on "Agrodiversity: Lessons from PLEC in East Africa and Directions for the Future" To review project findings and recommendations and propose a new phase of PLEC in East Africa. Organized by PLEC Tanzania Sub Cluster, Agricultural Research and Development Institute Ukiriguru. (Contact: Michael Stocking, E-mail: or Fidelis Kaihura, E-mail: 21-23 November, Hamburg, Germany Author workshop on UNU Project on "Civil-Military Relations and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding" UNU Centre (Contact: Albrecht Schnabel).
22nd Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR) UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond). 3rd December, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Developing Policy Recommendations for Biodiversity Conservation in Papua New Guinea To present PLEC technical and policy recommendations to relavant national or provincial governments, NGOs, and academic organisations for review. Organized by PLEC Papua New Guinea Cluster, The National Research Institute Contact: John Sowei ( 3-7 December, Tokyo, Japan Forty-eighth Session of the UNU Council UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond). 3-15 December, Recife, Brazil Training School on Software Engineering To promote advanced software technology in South America, and to set up a regional center in helping UNU/IIST to conduct training course in Latin America and South America. UNU/IIST (Contact: Prof. He Jifeng, e-mail: 4-7 December, 2001, Universidade Federal de Para, Belem, Brazil The First National Forum on Agrodiversity and Agrobiodiversity of Varzea 1)To influence policy makers and other stakeholders in their decision making on conservation and development initiatives and philosophies. 2)To facilitate the integration of smallholders and their knowledge in the processes of development and conservation of varzea environments, landscapes and biodiversity. 3)To disseminate the PLEC-demonstration model to other regions of Amazonia and other parts of the Brazil and other countries. 4)To upscale and integrate new partners in PLEC-Amazonia's network of institutions and experts working on varzea social and natural environments. Organized by the PLEC-Amazonian Cluster, Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazonia (IPAM). (Contact: David McGrath, e-mail: 4-7 December, University of Macau, Macau 8th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference To further develop UNU/IIST's linkage with the international software engineering society. UNU/IIST (Contact: Prof. He Jifeng, e-mail: 6 December, Tokyo, Japan 2nd Annual Michio Nagai Memorial Lecture "Evolution of Higher Education and the Role of UNU in Japan on the Global Scene" by Dr. Yasuo Miyakawa, Professor, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond). 12 December, Tokyo, Japan 2001 Fridtjof Nansen Memorial Lecture: "State Security — Human Security” by Mrs. Sadako Ogata, former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jointly organized by UNU and the Royal Norwegian Embassy Contact: Norwegian Embassy, Tel. (03) 3440-2611, Fax (03) 3440-2689. 18 December, Kampala, Uganda "National Decision Makers' Workshop on Policy and Technical Recommendations for Agrobiodiversity Conservation" To present technical and policy recommendations to national level decision makers. Organized by PLEC Uganda Sub Cluster, Makerere University (Contact: Joy K. Tumuhairwe, e-mail: 20-23 December, Naha/Sashiki-cho (Okinawa), Japan UNU Global Seminar Okinawa Session on "Cultures in Globalization: Towards World Peace" UNU Centre (Contact: Reiko Furuno, email:
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