Journal Holdings

Alphabetical List of Electronic Resoruces

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Guide to the Library

Subscribed by the UNU Library

This list of electronic resources includes the UNU Library subscriptions and several databases that are currently available free of charge. Access to the subscribed resources are subject to licence agreement and are only available to members of the UNU who are currently working either at the UNU Centre or one of the RTC/Ps.

Library organizes an introductory session to electronic resources for new members. A short training session on each resource can be arranged upon request. Please contact the Library.

Some resources require passwords that are indicated in the list. Click the Contact link and request for a password for each resource you may wish to access.

Name of Database/Service


Brief Description

Annual Review of Environment and Resources None Online version of "Annual Review of Environment and Resources", one of the most frequently cited sources. Accessible only within UNU HQ building and UNU-IAS.
Chronicle of Higher Education


Online version of "Chronicle of Higher Education". Print version is available in the newspaper rack in the Library. ID & PW required.
CIAO Net None Columbia International Affairs Online published by the Columbia University Press.
NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator is a database service that enables retrieval of academic articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins, or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database. Accessible only within Japan.
None EconLit is a comprehensive, indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature, produced by the American Economic Association. It includes coverage of over 400 major journals as well as articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, book reviews, dissertations, and working papers licensed from the Cambridge University Press Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics. New platform via ProQuest is available from April 2011.


 Online services by Economist Intelligence Unit. The site contains global research and advisory services, analysis and forecasts on over 200 countries, nine strategic industries, and a full range of
management functions.
Key titles include: Country report; Country Risk Service; Country Forecast.
eJournals A-to-Z: UNU Library Journal Holdings  None This is the portal of all subscribed electronic periodicals by the UNU Centre Library operated on EBSCO A-to-Z application system. Full text articles in all the listed periodicals are accessible. 
Encyclopaedia Britannica None
Online version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
None Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the US Department of Education. New platform via ProQuest is available from April 2011.
Global Development Finance Online


Global Development Finance is the sole repository for statistics on the external debt of developing countries derived from loan-by-loan records. This edition of GDF presents reported or estimated data on the total external debt of 128 individual countries that report to the World Bank's Debtor reporting System (DRS). This database is freely accessible as from 1 July 2010.
IMF Balance of Payment Statistics
None The BOPS yearbook includes annual aggregate and detailed time series for balance of payments and international investment position for countries; provides world and regional tables of balance of payments components and aggregates; and descriptions of methodologies, compilation practices and data sources used by individual countries. 
IMF Direction of Trade Statistics  None Provides data on the country and area distribution of countries' exports and imports by their partners. 
IMF International Financial Statistics  None Approximately 32,000 time series covering more than 200 countries starting in 1948. Includes exchange rates, Fund accounts and the main global and country economic indicators. 
IngentaConnect None
Free access to citations of some 4.5 million articles from 13,500 publications. Online version of subscribed journals published by participating publishers in IngentaConnect are accessible in full texts within UNU buildings.
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences  None
Indexed journals and books held at the Library of London School of Economics & Political Science, also known as the British Library of Political & Economic Science. New platform via ProQuest is available from April 2011.
Handbooks in Economics
The Handbooks in Economics series in 27 titles are accessible via ScienceDirect, which enables easy retrieval by title, author and keywords. The various branches of economics with handbooks which make useful reference sources, suitable for use by professionals, advanced graduate students and capacity development course organizers/lectureres.
JSTOR provides the complete archives of over 600 core scholarly journals. They have been digitized, starting with the very first issues, many of which date from the 1800s.


An online legal research system launched in 1973, a resourceful and huge legal database system that caters for legal profession and academics. Accessible only within Japan. ID and PW required. UNU staff, fellows and postgraduate students in Japan can request for the access information to the Library.
Nature Online
Nature Online provides access to full text articles from January 1997 to the current issue. Abstracts and citations can also be searched in PubMed.
Nikkei Telecom 21 Contact Nikkei Telecom 21 contains news and database services, which covers full text of over 50 Japanese newspapers. Accessible only in the Library.
The replacement of the SourceOECD, OECDiLibrary includes statistical databases, full text books and periodicals published by OECD since 1997.
OUP Journals None Online version of subscribed journals published by the Oxford University Press. Full texts accessible only within Japan.
Oxford English Dictionary  None OED Online covers the second edition of the 20-volume print edition. Updated quarterly with at least 1000 new and revised entries.
Population & Vital Statistics
Each issue of the quarterly Population and Vital Statistics Report presents estimates of current world and continental population for 234 countries or areas of the world. This report is freely accessible.
ProQuest Direct

ProQuest online information service provides access to thousands of current periodicals and newspapers, many of them are updated daily and containing full text articles from 1986 or much earlier. ID and PW required for the UNU staff/researchers away from the RTCs. Go to Login
ScienceDirect None ScienceDirect provides access to full text articles of existing Elsevier journals currently subscribed titles as well as 5 subject collections; Computer Science; Environmental Science; Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences. From 1995 issues to the current issues.
SpringerLink Journals New None
Scholarly journals published by Springer have been newly subscribed. All subject collections are; Behavioral Science; Biomedical and Life Science; Business and Economics; Chemistry and Materials Science; Computer Science; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Humanities, Social Science & Law; Mathematics and Statistics; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy. New from April 2012
UN Common Database None
This database service has been upgraded to "UN data" accessible freely at
UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics


Monthly economic statistics for most of the countries and areas of the world provided by the Statistics Division of the UN. This database services is freely accessible.
UN Official Document System (ODS)


The electronic repository for official documents published by the United Nations. The full text of documents is accessible in PDF format in all official languages of the United Nations. Documents are stored in two databases: United Nations documentation, with comprehensive coverage beginning in 1993 and selected earlier coverage, and United Nations resolutions, which includes the official records version of resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and Trusteeship Council since 1946.
UN Treaty Series Database


Prepared and updated regularly by the Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN, this online service provides access to over 40,000 treaties and international agreements. This database services is freely accessible.
World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) provides COMTRADE maintained by UN Statistics Division, TRAINS maintained by UNCTAD, IDB and CTS databases maintained by WTO. View WITS documentation. ID and PW required.
World Bank e-Library

Fully cross-searchable portal of over 5,000 World Bank publications. The collection consists of over 2,000 World Bank publications and over 3,200 Policy Research Working Papers, plus each new book and paper as they are published. 
World Development Indicators Online
WDI Online ontains statistical data for over 550 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. This database is freely accessible as from 1 July 2010.
Yearbook of International Organizations
None The online version contains descriptions of over 62,900 organizations including governmental, international and non-governmental organizations worldwide. The organizations database is extensively hyperlinked between organization profiles to organization websites.

The United Nations University Library
Updated 3 July 2012