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League of Nations Official Journal

The following documents were formerly collections owned by late Mr. W. Jenks, the sixth Director General of ILO. They were donated to the UNU Library in 1993 and are available in the Library for consultation.

League of Nations Official Journal. Geneva : League of Nations. LN­OJ­1(E)

2nd year, l92l ­ 20th Year, l939. 2lst Year, no.l­3, l940.

League of Nations, Index to the Official Journal. Geneva : League of Nations. LN­OJ­INDEX­1(E)

1922 ­ 1938. Annual.

Societe des Nations, Journal officiel. Societe des Nations. l920 ­ l939. LN­OJ­2(F)

League of Nations, Official Journal, Special Supplement. LN­OJSS­1(E)

No.42 : Records of the Special Session of the Assembly, March l926.

Plenary Meetings, and Meetings of Committees. l926. 78 p.

No.73 : Documents relating to the Protection of Minorities by the League of Nations ; published in accordance with the Council Resolution of June l3, l929.

No.l24 : Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay : Appeal of the Bolivian Government under Article l5 of the Covenant. Extracts from the Records of the l5th ordinary Session of the Assembly, l934.

No.l32 : Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.

Part l : Records of the Special Session of the Assembly convened in virtue of Article l5 of the Covenant and in accordance with the Assembly Resolution of September 27, l934.

No.l33 : Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay. Appeal of the Bolivian Government under Article l5 of the Covenant. Documentation communicated to members of the League of Nations since December 3l, l934. l935.

No.l34 : Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay. Documentation : communicated to the members of the League of Nations for the Special Session of the Assembly convened at Geneva for Monday, May 20, l935.

No.l35 : Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay. Part l : Records of the Special Session of the Assembly convened by the Advisory Committee set up by the Assembly to follow the dispute. Part II : Documentation.

No.l65 : Appeal by the Spanish Government. White book published by the Spanish Govt. and presented to the Council on May 28, l937. l937.

No.l66 : Records of the Special Session of the Assembly convened for the purpose of considering the request of the Kingdom of Egypt for admission to the League of Nations, May 26 ­ 27, l937.

No.l77 : Sino­Japanese Conflict. Appeal by the Chinese Government. l937. 59 p.

No.l78 : Texts adopted by the Inter­American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace. Buenos Aires, December l to 23, l936. and transmitted the L. N. in accordance with a Decision of the Conference. l937.

No.l79 : Communication from the Government of the United States of America. Statement in regard to the international situation made on July l6 l937, by Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the U.S. and Comments on that Statement from various governments. 1937.

No.l80 : Report of the Special Committee set up to study the application of the principles of the Covenant, adopted by the Committee on February 2nd, l938.

Societe des Nations, Journal Offiel. Supplement Special. LN­OJSS­2(F)

No.l : Correspondance concernant la question des Iles d'Aland.

No.2 : l. Letter forwarded by the Council to the Members of the League.

2. Draft scheme for the Institution of the Permanent Court of International Justice.

No.3 : Repport de la Commission Internationale du Juristes chargee par le Conseil de la Societe des Nations de donner UN avis consultatif sur les aspects juridiques de la Question des iles d'Aland.

No.4 : Documents relatifs au Differend entre la Pologne et la Lithuanie.

No.7 : Constitution de la Ville Libre de Dantzig.

No.73 : Documents relatifs a la protection des minorites par la Societe des Nations. 88 p.

No.l24 : Differend entre la Bolivie et le Paraguay. Appel du gouvernement Bolivien en vertu de l'Article l5 du Pacte. Extraits des Actes de la Quizieme Sess. ordinaire de Assemblee . l934. l75 p.

No.132 : Differend entre la Bolivie et le Paraguay. Actes de la Session Extraordinaire de l'Assemblee. Conformement a la Resolution de l'Assemblee du 27 Septembre l934. Documents. l934. 89 p.

No.l33 : Differend entre la Bolivia et le Paraguay. Appel du gouvernement Bolivien en vertu de de l'Article l5 du Pacte. Documentation : Communiquee aux membres de la Societe des Nations depuis le 3l Decembre l934. l935. 52 p.

No.l34 : Differend entre la Bolivia et le Paraguay. Appel du gouvernement Bolivien en vertu de l'Article l5 du Pacte. Documentation.

No.l35 : Differend entre la Bolivie et le Paraguay. Actes de la Session Extraordinaire de l'Assemblee convoquee par le Comite consultatif Institue par l'Assemblee pour suivre le differend. (Resolution du Comite consultatif du l5 Mars l935). Documentation.

Differend entre l'Ethiopie et l'Italie, coordination des mesures a prendre en application de l'article l6 du Pacte.

No.l45 : Comite de Coordination. Comite des Dix­Huit et Sous­Comites. Proces­Verbaux de de la Premiere Sess. du ll au l9 Octobre l935. l55 p.

No.l46 : Comite de Coordination, Comite des Dix­Huit et Sous­Comites. Proces­verbaux de la deuxieme Session, du 3l Oct., au 6 Nov., l935.

No.l47 : Comite des Dix­Huit, Proces­verbal de la Troisieme Session, du l2 au l9 Dec., l935. Comite des Experts (nomme en vertu de la resolution du Comite des Dix­huit en date du 6 Nov., l935. Proces­verbal de la Premiere Session, du 27 Nov., au l2 Dec., l935. 62 p.

No.148 : Comite des Dix­huit, proces­verbal de la Quatrieme Session, 22 Jan., l936.

Comite des Experts chage de suivre l'application des sanctions, resolution de des Dix­huit en date du 6 Nov., l935.... 85 p.

No.l49 : Comite des Dix­huit, proces­verbal de la Cinquieme Session, du 2 au 4 Mar., l936. Comite des Experts pour l'examen technique des conditions regissant le commerce et le ranport du petrole et de ses derives.

No.l50 : Propositions et resolutions du Comite de coordination et du Comite des Dix­Hiit et correspondance et Communications officielles y relatives. 359 p.

No.l54 : Documentaiton relative a la mise en oeuvre des principes du pacte. 97 p.

No.l64 : Index general des supplements speciaux no.l45­l50. l937. 67 p.

No.l65 : Appel du gouvernement espagnol. Livre Blanc publie par le Gouvernement espagnol et presente au Conseil le 28 mai l937.l937. l40 p.

No.l66 : Actes de la Session Extraordinaire de l'Assemblee convoquee pour connaitre de de la demande d'admission du Royaume d'Egypte dans la Societe des Nations, 26­27 mai, l937.

No.l77 : Conflict Sino­Japonais, Appel du Gouvernement Chinois. l937. 59 p.

League of Nations Records to the Assembly

League of Nations records to the Assembly, Plenary meetings. LNA­Records­l(E)

3rd Assembly : Vol.l : Text of the debates. (Meetings held from Sept., 4 to 30, l922).

Vol.2 : Meetings of the Committees.
Minutes of the lst Committee. ll3 p.
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. 80 p.
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. l63 p.
Minutes of the 4th Committee. 291 p.
Minutes of the 5th Committee. l68 p.
Minutes of the 6th Committee. 95 p.
Index to the English Ed. of the Records of the 3rd Assembly.

4th Assembly : Textes of the debates. l923.

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee (Constitutional questions).67 p.
Minutes of the 2nd Committee (Technical organizations). [LN OJSS no.l5]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee (Reduction of Armaments), [LN OJSS no.l6]
Minutes of the 4th Committee (Budget and financial questions)
Minutes of the 5th Committee (Social and general questions)
Minutes of th4 6th Committee (Political questions). l923.
5th Assembly : Vol.l Text of the Debates. l924. 506 p.

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. [LN OJSS no.24]
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. [LN OJSS no.25]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee (Reduction of Armaments). [LN OJSS no.26]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. [LN OJSS no.27]
Minutes of th4 5th Committee. [LN OJSS no.28]

Index to the English Ed. of the Records of the 5th Assembly, Plenary Meetings and Committees.

6th Assembly : Text of the debates. l925. [LN OJSS no.33]

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. [LN OJSS No.34]
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. [LN OJSS No.35]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. [LN OJSS No.36]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. [LN OJSS No.38]
Minutes of the 6th Committee. [LN OJSS No.39]

7th Assembly : Text of the debates. l926. [LN OJSS No.44]

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. [LN OJSS No.45]
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. [LN OJSS No.46]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. [LN OJSS No.47]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. [LN OJSS No.48]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. [LN OJSS No.49]
Mintues of the 6th Committee. [LN OJSS No.50]

Index to the English Ed. of the Records of the 7th Assembly (Ordinary) Plenary meetings and committees, l926.

9th Assembly : Texts of the debates. l928. 544 p. [LN OJSS No.64]

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. l44 p. [LN OJSS no.65]
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. 82 p. [LN OJSS no.66]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. l23 p. [LN OJSS no.67]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. 202 p. [LN OJSS no.68]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. ll0 p. [LN OJSS no.69]
Minutes of the 6th Committee. 48 p. [LN OJSS no.70]

10th Assembly : Text of the debates. l929. [LN OJSS no.75]

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. [LN OJSS no.76]
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. [LN OJSS no.77]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. [LN OJSS no.78]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. [LN OJSS no.79]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. [LN OJSS no.80]
Minutes of the 6th Committee. [LN OJSS no.8l]

Index to the English Ed. of the Records of the Assembly l929.

11th Assembly : Text of the debates. l930. 608 p. [LN OJSS no.84]

Meetings of the Committees : l930.
Minutes of the lst Committee. l75 p. [LN OJSS no.85]
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. 133 p. [LN OJSS no.86]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. l02 p. [LN OJSS no.87]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. 444 p. [LN OJSS no.88]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. ll8 p. [LN OJSS no.89]
Minutes of the 6th Committee. 92 p. [LN OJSS no.90]

Index to the Records of the llth Assembly (Ordinary) Plenary meetings and Committees.

l2th Assembly : Texts of the debates. l93l. [LN OJSS no.93]

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. [LN OJSS no.94]
Mintues of the 2nd Committee. [LN OJSS no.95]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. [LN OJSS no.96]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. [LN OJSS no.97]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. [LN OJSS no.98]
Minutes of the 6th Committee. [LN OJSS no.99]

Index to the Records of the l2th Session of the Assembly, Plenary meetings and Committees.

l3th Assembly : Text of the debates. l932. [LN OJSS no.l04]

Meetings of the Committees :
Minutes of the lst Committee. l932. 73 p.
Minutes of the 2nd Committee. 68 p. [LN OJSS no.l06]
Minutes of the 3rd Committee. 260 p. [LN OJSS no.l07]
Minutes of the 4th Committee. 260 p. [LN OJSS no.l08]
Minutes of the 5th Committee. 57 p. [LN OJSS no.l09]

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