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Security Council, Official Records 1946 to 1953



Security Council, Plenary meetings, Verbatim records. Irregular. United Nations.

lst Year : l946 - 8th Year : l953. UNS-PV-l


Security Council, Official Records, Supplement. Irregular.

United Nations. l946 - l954. UNS-S1


Security Council, Official Records, Special supplement.

United Nations. lst Year : l946 - 8th Year : l953. UNS-S2

lst Year, l946. Report of the Sub-committee on the Spanish Questions.

1946. l03 p.


2nd Year, l947.

No.l : Report of the Military Staff Committee. l947. 32 p. (S/336)

No.2 : Report of the Commission of Investigation concerning Greek Frontier Incidents. Vol.l l57 p. ; Vol.2 l58-305 p. ; Vol.3 306-460 p. (S/360/Rev.l)

No.3 : Report of the Committee on the Admission of new Members. 58 p.

No.4 : Report of the Consular Commission at Batavia. l35 p. (S/586/Rev.l)

3rd Year, l948.

No.l : lst interim report of the Committee of Good Offices on the Indonesian question. 77 p. (S/649/Rev.l)

No.2 : Reports of the Palestine Commission. (S/663, 676, 695, 7l0)


4th Year, l949.

No.l : Hashemite Jordan Kingdom-Israeli General Armistice Agreement. (S/l302/Rev.l) Annexes and maps. l0 p.

No.2 : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement ; Annexes and maps.

ll p. (S/l353/Rev.l)

No.3 : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement ; annexes. l4 p. (S/l264/Rev.l)

No.4 : Israeli-Lebanese General Armistice Agreement ; annexes. 7 p. (S/l296/Rev.l)

No.5 : lst interim report of the United Nations Commsision for Indonesia. 84 p. (S/l373/Rev.l)

No.6 : Special report of the United Nations Commission for Indonesia on the Round Table Conference. l73 p. (S/l4l7/Rev.l)

No.7 : 3rd interim report of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan. 204 p. (S/l430/Rev.l)

5th Year, l950.

No.l : 2nd interim report of the United Nations Commission for Indonesia. 65 p. (S/l449/Rev.l)

6th Year, l95l.

No.l : Report of the United Nations Commission for Indonesia on activities since the transfer of sovereignty. 58 p. (S/2087)

No.2 : Report of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan.

38 p. (S/2375/Rev.l)

7th Year, l952.

No.1 : 2nd report of the Untied Nations Representative for India and Pakistan. 37 p. (S/2448)

No.2 : 3rd and 4th reports of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan. 48 p. (S/26l and Corr.l)

No.3 : Reports of the United Nations Command in Korea. ll2 p.

8th Year, l953.

No.l : 5th report of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan.

23 p. (S/2967)



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