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  May 1999    

Forthcoming UNU activities

3-14 May, Baku, Azerbaijan; Training Course on "Formal Software Development Using RAISE" (UNU/IIST, UNESCO, & Baku Scientific and Training Center)

10-12 May, Tokyo: UNU/IAS Annual Board Meeting

12 May, UNU Headquarters: Public Lecture "Global Financial Restructuring and Asian Recovery" (UNU/IAS)

14-15 May, Helsinki, Finland: Project Meeting on "Income Distribution and Social Structure during the Transition" (UNU/WIDER)

14-18 May, Toluca, Mexico: Third Meeting of PLEC Management Group

17-18 May, Hamilton, Canada: Annual Meeting of the UNU/INWEH International Advisory Committee

19-24 May, Xalapa, Mexico: Fourth Meeting of the Joint UNESCO-UNU-TWAS Programme on "South-South Cooperation on Environmentally Sound Socio-Economic Development in the Humid Tropics"

22-23 May, UNU Headquarters: First Annual Convention on "The 21st Century World Order and the UN System" (Japan UN Studies Association)

24-26 May, Macau: UNU/IIST Annual Board Meeting

25-28 May, UNU Headquarters: Conference on "Toward a Science of Consciousness - Fundamental Approaches" (UNU/IAS with Univ. of Arizona, Radford Univ., and Notre Dame Seishin Univ.)

28-31 May, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "New Roles and Functions for the UN and Bretton Woods Institutions" (UNU/WIDER)

2-5 June, UNU Headquarters: World Environment Day '99 - "Global Echo" Events (UNU/GEIC)

8-10 June, Legon, Ghana: UNU/INRA Annual Board Meeting

9-11 June, Maastricht, the Netherlands: UNU/INTECH Annual Board Meeting

14-15 June, Helsinki: Fifteenth Session of the Board of UNU/WIDER

18-19 June, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Small and Medium Enterprises in Transition: How Does Entrepreneurship Develop in Post-Socialist States?" (UNU/WIDER)

21-22 June, Geneva, Switzerland: Second Workshop of the UNU Project on "Legitimacy of International Organization"

23-24 June, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "European Monetary Union (EMU) and its Impact on Europe and the Developing Countries" (UNU/WIDER)

23-25 June, Macau: Global Chinese Conference on "Computers in Education '99" (UNU/IIST & Univ. of Macau)

June or July, China: Final Meeting of the UNU Project on "Rising and Fading Powers: International Order in Transition"

2-3 July, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Rising Income Inequality and Poverty Reduction: Are they Compatible?" (UNU/WIDER)

2-3 July, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Environmental, Export and Human Development Problems in Natural Resource-based Growth Models" (UNU/WIDER)

7-10 July, Okinawa, Japan: Workshop on "Research and Conservation of Mangroves in the Asia-Pacific Region"

14-16 July, UNU Headquarters: UNU International Conference on "Inter-linkages Between MEA's" (UNU/GEIC)

21-23 July, Geneva: Bureau Meeting of the UNU Council

28 July-31 August, Amman, Jordan: Third International Leadership Programme on "Leadership in Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping" (UNU/ILA)

July-August, Beijing, China: Advanced Summer School (UNU/IIST & National Natural Science Foundation of China)

6-10 September, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan: Fifteenth UNU Global Seminar, Shonan Session on "Globalization and Human Development - Towards the Eradication of Poverty"

10-11 September, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Institutions and Development" (UNU/WIDER)

28 September-1 October, Kobe, Japan: UNU Global Seminar on "Security in the 21st Century"

September, Nanjing, China: Advanced Summer School (UNU/IIST & National Natural Science Foundation of China)

September, Bangkok, Thailand: Workshop on "Salween River Basin Management"

UNU Nexions presents a "snapshot" of the UNU activities. It is published by the UNU Public Affairs Section in Tokyo.

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Public Affairs Section
The United Nations University
53-70, Jingumae 5-chome
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Telephone: +81-3-3499-2811
Fax: +81-3-3499-2828

Keeping the heat down in Kyoto Contents Towards a greener UN in the 21st Century