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  May 1999    

Applications invited for September UNU Global Seminars
Applications are now being accepted for two upcoming seminars.

The 15th UNU Global Seminar - Shonan Session, which will be held in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, from 6-10 September 1999, is being organized jointly by the UNU and Kanagawa Foundation for Academic and Cultural Exchange.

The theme of this year's four-day seminar will be "Globalization and Human Development: Towards the Eradication of Poverty." The seminar will include sessions on "Globalization and Poverty Issues," "Poverty and Conflict," "Role of NGOs," and "Role of Developing Countries." The 5th UNU Global Seminar - Kobe Session, which will be held from 28 September-1 October 1999, is being organized jointly by the UNU and the Kobe International Cooperation Center. The theme of this year's seminar will be "Security in the 21st Century." The seminar will include sessions on "Security in Japan," "Security and Economics," and "Disarmament and Arms Control."

The UNU Global Seminars are open to persons 18 and older. Lectures will be delivered in either English or Japanese, so understanding in both languages is essential. The participation fee (Y40,000 for the Shonan Session, Y35,000 for the Kobe Session) includes accommodation, meals, and lecture papers and other study materials, but not transportation costs. A limited number of scholarships are available for students from developing countries.

Applications must be submitted to the Seminar Secretariat by 28 May for the Shonan Session and by 21 July for the Kobe Session. For more information, or to request an application form, contact the UNU Global Seminar Secretariat at UNU Headquarters, phone 03-3499-2811 (general) or 03-5467-1306 (direct), fax 03-3499-2828. Or send e-mail to

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