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  June 1998    

Forthcoming UNU activities
1 June, Helsinki, Finland: UNU/WIDER Planning Meeting of the project New Roles and Functions for the UN and Bretton Woods Institutions.

2-25 June, Macau: UNU/IIST Course on Creating Web Pages.

4-5 June, New York, USA: Brainstorming Session for the project on Legitimacy of International Organizations.

5 June, UNU Headquarters, Tokyo: Commemoration Ceremony at the GEIC for World Environment Day, along with the launch of the Inter-University Environmental Forum.

6 June, Bonn, Germany: Workshop on NGOs and Climate Change: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives.

8-10 June, Helsinki: Fourteenth Meeting of the UNU/WIDER Board.

8-12 June, Tokyo: UNU-Tsukuba University Short Training Course on Economic Development. 10 June, UNU Headquarters: UNU/IAS Workshop on Targeting Zero Emissions for the Utilization of Renewable Resources.

12-13 June, Oxford, UK: Planning Meeting for the project Institutions and Development.

12-13 June, Helsinki: UNU/WIDER Planning Meeting for the project Information Technology and Growth.

15-16 June, Stockholm, Sweden: UNU/WIDER Presentation on War, Hunger, and Displacement: The Economics and Politics of the Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies.

22 June, UNU Headquarters: High-level Open Symposium on Development Cooperation.

22-25 June, UNU Headquarters: Radius Training Programme for Local Government Officials.

24-26 June, Vancouver, Canada: Meeting on Globalization and the Sustainability of Cities in the Asia-Pacific Region.

26-27 June, Maastrict, the Netherlands: UNU/INTECH Fourth Workshop on Environmental Regulation, Globalization of Production, and Technological Change.

29 June-10 July, Mexico City, Mexico: UNU/BIOLAC Advanced Training Course on Scale-up of Biotechnological Processes.

29 June-19 July, Accra, Ghana: UNU/INRA International Training Course in Plant Tissue Culture.

2-4 July, UNU Headquarters: UNU/PLEC Expanded Management Group Meeting.

3-4 July, Maastricht: UNU/INTECH Fourth Workshop on Environmental Regulation, Globalization of Production and Technological Change.

3-31 July, Amman, Jordan: UNU/ILA Second International Leadership Programme.

6-17 July, Capetown, South Africa: Fourth Workshop on Formal and Applied Computer Science, co-sponsored by UNU/IIST.

12-13 July, Kampara, Uganda: UNU/INTECH Pre-Project Planning Workshop for Gender and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa Programme.

17 July, Boulder, Colorado, USA: La Niñia Summit.

21-24 July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: UNU/IAS Environment and Multilateral Diplomacy workshop on Global Environmental Governance: An Asian Perspective.

July (3 weeks), Accra: Project Workshop on Radio Computer Networking.

3-4 August, UNU Headquarters: UNU/AERC Conference on Asia and Africa in the Global Economy.

7-9 August, Tokyo: Forum on Rainwater Utilization in Urban Communities.

18 August, Mumbai, India: UNU/INTECH Meeting on Telework and Sustainable Development.

24-28 August, Saarbrücken, Germany: UNU/IIST will contribute to a Workshop on Duration Calculus, as part of the Tenth European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information.

25 August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: UNU/INTECH Meeting on Telework and National Planning.

27 August, Kuala Lumpur: UNU/INTECH Meeting on Telework, Teletrade and Regional Planning with UNDP.

6 September, Boston, USA: First Review Meeting for the project on Rising and Fading Powers: International Order in Transition.

6-19 September, Irapuato, Mexico: UNU/BIOLAC Training Course on Analysis and Manipulation of the Fungal Genome

7-11 September, Kanagawa, Japan: UNU Global Seminar '98, Shonan Session on the topic The United Nations and Human Rights.

21-22 September, Accra: UNU/INRA Board Meeting.

29 September-2 October, Kobe, Japan: UNU Global Seminar '98, Kobe Session on the topic Human Rights and Future Generations.

2-3 October, New York: First Review Meeting of the project on Ethics and Internaltional Affairs.

5-23 October, Hurlingham, Argentina: UNU/BIOLAC Training Course of the Brucellosis Research Network on Molecular Biology Applied to Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Brucellosis.

5-23 October, Wageningen, the Netherlands: Training Course on Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition (FoodComp '98).

12-15 October, Dakar, Senegal: Fourth African Conference on Research in Computer Science (CARI '98).

16 October, Tokyo: UNU Public Forum on Institutions and Development in Africa.

16-17 October, Lisbon, Portugal: UNU/INTECH International Conference on Industrial Structure, Innovation Dynamics and Technology Policy.

19-21 October, Maastricht: UNU/INTECH Board Meeting.

23 October, UNU Headquarters: UN Day Symposium on Human Rights.

26-28 October, Macau: UNU/IIST Board Meeting.

26 October-6 November, La Paz, Bolivia: UNU/BIOLAC Training Course on Rapid Methods for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Disease: Culture and Drug Sensitivity Testing.

October-November, Trieste, Italy: College on Microprocessor-based Real-time Systems in Physics.

October 1998-September 1999, Nairobi, Kenya: Training Programme on Applied Human Nutrition.

20-23 November, New York: UNU/IAS Universal Networking Language (UNL) Symposium 1998.

29 November-9 December, Caracas, Venezuela: UNU/BIOLAC Training Course on Polymerase Chain Reaction, Differential Gene Expression and DNA Applications in Diagnosis.

November, Trieste: Training Course on Advanced Very Large Scale Integration Design Techniques.

7-11 December, UNU Headquarters: Forty-fifth Session of the UNU Council.

10-17 December, Quito, Ecuador: Third International Symposium on Sustainable Mountain Development: Understanding Interfaces of Andean Cultural Landscapes for Management.

Keeping the heat down in Kyoto Contents Towards a greener UN in the 21st Century