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  June 1998    

Money matters
The UNU wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the following contributions received from 1 January-30 April 1998. The amounts are in US dollars.

Contributions received from governments:

Canada: $435,055 (operating contribution for UNU/INWEH)
Finland: $36,900 (for UNU/WIDER's project on Information Technology and Growth)
Greece: $42,000 (operating contribution for UNU)
India: $75,000 (endowment contribution for UNU/WIDER)
Macau: 23,940 (for UNU/IIST's INCoM project)
Norway: $50,000 (for UNU/ILA's 1998 Leadership Training Course)
Sweden: $20,648 (for UNU/WIDER's project on Wave of Emergencies of the Last Decade)
The Netherlands: $193,373 (operating contribution for UNU/INTECH)

Contributions received from other donors:

Amway Japan Ltd.: $14,615 (for the UNU Global Seminar '97 Kobe Session)

Aeon Group Environmental Foundation (Japan): $7,959 (for UNU/IAS Zero Emissions Research Initiative project)

I. Bdeir (Jordan): $5,000 (for UNU/ILA's 1998 Leadership Training Course)

The Canadian Council for Human Resources in the Environment Industry: $4,225 (support for UNU/INWEH)

K. Dar Al-Handasah (Jordan): $5,000 (for UNU/ILA's 1998 Leadership Training Course)

DDI Corp. (Japan): $1,799 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation for Cooperation with the UNU (Japan): $7,813 (for the UNU Library's book collection)

Center for Environmental Information Science (Japan): $22,727 (for UNU/IAS project on Integrated Assessment Models)

European Commission: $16,729 (for UNU/INTECH's project on Euroconference on International Dimensions of the Impact of New Technologies)

European Union Keep-in-Touch: $1,734 (support for a UNU/IIST Fellow)

Global Environment Facility: $1,286,349 (support for UNU/PLEC)

IBRD (World Bank): $5,000 (for UNU/INTECH's project on Multinational Enterprises and Technology Generation: Locational Patterns and Determinants)

Japan Radio Co., Ltd.: $1,799 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

T. Jumblat (Jordan): $3,000 (for UNU/ILA's 1998 Leadership Training Course)

Kansai Digital phone Co., Ltd. (Japan): $576 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Japan): $1,799 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

Nippon Ericsson K.K. (Japan): $3,598 (for UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

NTT Mobile Communication Network Inc. (Japan): $1,799 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

NTT Personal Communications Network Inc. (Japan): $7,197 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (Japan): $3,598 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

Omron Corp. (Japan): $3,598 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

Tokai Digital Phone Co., Ltd. (Japan): $576 (for the UNU/GEIC/UNFCCC Information Systems for COP-3)

UNDP Malaysia: $218,700 (for UNU/INTECH's project on Teleworking: Implications for Employment and Trade in Developing Countries - Malaysia and India

University of Macau: $6,168 (for UNU/IIST's Course on Fundamentals of Software Engineering)

Keeping the heat down in Kyoto Contents Towards a greener UN in the 21st Century