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  December 1999    

Recent UNU activities

3-14 May, Baku, Azerbaijan; Training Course on "Formal Software Development Using RAISE" (UNU/IIST, UNESCO, & Baku Scientific and Training Center)

10-12 May, Tokyo: UNU/IAS Annual Board Meeting

14-15 May, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Income Distribution and Social Structure during the Transition" (UNU/WIDER)

14-18 May, Toluca, Mexico: Third Meeting of PLEC Management Group

17-18 May, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Annual Meeting of the UNU/INWEH International Advisory Committee

19-24 May, Xalapa, Mexico: Fourth Meeting of the Joint UNESCO-UNU-TWAS Programme on "South-South Cooperation on Environmentally Sound Socio-Economic Development in the Humid Tropics"

24-26 May, Macau: UNU/IIST Annual Board Meeting

24-28 May, Maracay, Venezuela: "Brucellosis Research Network Workshop" (UNU/BIOLAC)

25-28 May, Tokyo: Conference on "Toward a Science of Consciousness - Fundamental Approaches" (UNU/IAS, Univ. of Arizona, Radford Univ. & Notre Dame Seishin Univ.)

28-31 May, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "New Roles and Functions for the UN and Bretton Woods Institutions" (UNU/WIDER)

2-5 June, Tokyo: "World Environment Day" and UNU Open House (UNU/GEIC)

7-25 June, Pretoria, South Africa: Second ECSAFOODS Course on "Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition" (UNU/INFOODS, Univ.of Pretoria)

8-10 June, Legon, Ghana: UNU/INRA Annual Board Meeting

9-11 June, Maastricht, Netherlands: UNU/INTECH Annual Board Meeting

14-15 June, Helsinki: Fifteenth Session of the Board of UNU/WIDER

18-19 June, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Small and Medium Enterprises in Transition: How Does Entrepreneurship Develop in Post-Socialist States? " (UNU/WIDER)

21-22 June, Geneva: Second Workshop of the UNU Project on "Legitimacy of International Organization"

21 June-2 July, Cuernavaca and Morelos, Mexico: Course on "Environmental Biotechnology: New Processes and Applications" (UNU/BIOLAC)

23-25 June, Macau: Global Chinese Conference on "Computers in Education '99" (UNU/IIST & Univ. of Macau)

24 June, Tokyo: International Symposium on "Development: With a Special Focus on Human Security" (UNU & Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

28 June-9 July, Mexico: Training Course on "Environmental Biotechnology" (UNU/BIOLAC & UNAM, Mexico)

June-November, Iceland: Training Course on Fisheries (UNU & Marine Research Institute, Iceland)

2-3 July, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Environmental, Export and Human Development Problems in Natural Resource-based Growth Models" (UNU/WIDER)

2-30 July, Yaoundé, Cameroon: Training Course on "Computer Application to Natural Resources Management" (UNU/INRA & Univ. of Yaoundé)

14-16 July, UNU Headquarters: International Conference on "Synergies and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements" (UNU/GEIC)

16-18 July, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Rising Income Inequality and Poverty Reduction: Are They Compatible? " (UNU/WIDER)

21-23 July, Geneva: Bureau Meeting of the UNU Council

29-30 July, Beijing: Final Meeting of the UNU Project on "Rising and Fading Powers: International Order in Transition"

6-10 September, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan: Fifteenth UNU Global Seminar, Shonan Session on "Globalization and Human Development - Towards the Eradication of Poverty"

9-10 September, Tokyo: UN Regional Hearing under the theme of "The United Nations in the 21st Century: Issues, Challenges and Responses" (UNESC for Asia and the Pacific) 10-11 September, Helsinki, Finland: Project Meeting on "Institutions and Development" (UNU/WIDER)

13-16 September, Bangkok: UNU International Workshop on "Transboundary Waters: The Salween River Basin" 17-18 September, Helsinki: Project Planning Meeting on "Globalization and the Obstacles to the Successful Integration of Small Vulnerable Economies" (UNU/WIDER)

19-21 September, Budapest: UNU Conference on "Kosovo and the International Community: Selective Indignation, Collective Intervention, and the Changing Contours of World Politics"

23 September-2 November, Amman, Jordan: Third International Leadership Programme on "Leadership in Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping" (UNU/ILA)

25 September, Barcelona: Project Planning Meeting on "The Impact of Privatization & The Regulation of Utilities and Social Services in Latin America" (UNU/WIDER)

28 September-1 October, Kobe, Japan: UNU Global Seminar on "Security in the 21st Century"

September 1999-February 2000, Gent, Belgium: Training Course on "Biological Diversity" (UNU & Univ. of Gent)

3-15 October, Caracas: Training Course on "Advanced Techniques for Molecular Genetics in Myobacterias" (UNU/BIOLAC & IVIC)

4-15 October, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam: Course on "Formal Software Development using RAISE and Duration Calculus" (UNU/IIST)

11-13 October, Seoul: First Planning Meeting of the UNU Project on "Non-Traditional Security Threats in East Asia"

11-14 October, Tijuana, Mexico: UNU "Training Workshop for Government Officials on RADIUS (Risk Assessment Tools for Diagnosis of Urban Areas against Seismic Disaster)"

13-14 October, Paris: Workshop on the UNU Project on "The United Nations System in the 21st Century - Governnace"

15-16 October, Princeton, NJ, USA: Workshop on the UNU Project on "The United Nations System in the 21st Century - Human Rights"

15-25 October, Caracas: Training Course on "The Use of DNA Profiling in the Identification of Individuals - Applications in Forensics and Paternity" (UNU/BIOLAC & IVIC)

18-22 October, M?enine, Tunisia: UNU Workshop on "Water Management in Arid Zones" (with Institut des Régions Arides)

18-22 October, Nanjing: Advanced Summer School (UNU/IIST & NNSFC)

19-20 October, Tokyo: International Symposium on "Can Biological Production Harmonize with Environment? - Reports from Research Sites in Asia" (UNU/IAS, ANESC, Univ. of Tokyo)

22 October, Tokyo: UN Day Symposium on "United Nations Peace-keeping: Reflections on the Continuing Challenge"

24-25 October, Tokyo: International Symposium on "Global Environment and Economic Theory" (UNU/IAS)

25-29 October, North Korea: Duration Calculus Course (UNU/IIST)

27-29 October, Nanjing: International Symposium on Future Software Technology (UNU/IIST) October, Caracas: "Tuberculosis Research Network Workshop" (UNU/BIOLAC & IVIC)

October 1999-September 2001, Nairobi: Training Programme on "Applied Human Nutrition" (UNU Food and Nutrition Programme, at Univ. of Nairobi)

1 November, Oslo: Annual Lecture: "Is Rising Income Inequality Inevitable? A Critique of the Transatlantic Consensus" (UNU/WIDER)

2 November, Bonn: Presentation of the Report of the "UNU Conference on Inter-linkages between Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)" (UNU/IAS, GEIC)

8-9 November, Tokyo: International Conference on "Zero Emissions in Industrialized Society" (UNU/ZEF, JSPS & JMA)

11 November, Morioka, Japan: International Symposium: "Environment - Information - Education Forum 21" (UNU/IAS, Iwate Prefectural Gov. & NTT)

11-12 November, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "European Monetary Union (EMU) and its Impact on Europe and the Developing Countries" (UNU/WIDER)

15-16 November, Tokyo: UNU International Conference on "Iran in a Globalizing World: New Horizons and New Perspectives"

15-16 November, Mumbai: Workshop on "Telework, Teletrade and Sustainable Development: Indian Experience in a Global Context" (UNU/INTECH)

17 November, Tokyo: 1999 Fridtjof Nansen Memorial Lecture (UNU & Royal Norwegian Embassy)

19-20 November, Helsinki: Project Planning Meeting on "Contagion: How it Spreads, How it can be Stopped" (UNU/WIDER)

27 November, Tokyo: 18th UNU Conference of Directors of Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps)

29 November-3 December, Tokyo: 46th Session of the UNU Council

1-3 December, Manila: Second "International Earthquakes and Megacities Workshop" (UNU & EMI)

6-20 December, Tamil Nadu, India: Training Course on "Methodologies for Biodiversity Assessment in Estuaries, Mangroves and Coastal Waters" (with Annamalai Univ.)

7-9 December, Amman, Jordan: Regional Workshop on UNU Project on "The Changing Nature of Democracy: Democracy and Peace in the Middle East"

11-13 December, Helsinki: Project Meeting on "Rising Income Inequality and Poverty Reduction: Are they Compatible" (UNU/WIDER)

14-16 December, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Project Workshop on "From Rhetoric to Policy: Towards Workable Conflict Prevention at the Regional and Global Level" (with Carleton Univ., Canada)

14-17 December, Okinawa, Japan: First UNU Global Seminar, Okinawa Session: "Environmental Issues: Local, Regional and Global Dimensions" (with Okinawa Prefectural Gov.)

19-21 December, New York: Workshop on UNU Project on "The United Nations System in the 21st Century - Development"

New from UNU Press Contents Forthcoming UNU activities