This is the old United Nations University website. Visit the new site at
| December 1998 |
The UNU wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the following contributions received from 1 January-30 September 1998. (All figures in US$)
Governments: |
Canada |
733,014.95 |
Finland (SITRA) |
36,900.00 |
Finland (SITRA) |
45,771.66 |
Greece |
42,000.00 |
India |
75,000.00 |
Macau |
23,940.15 |
The Netherlands |
391,516.39 |
The Netherlands |
12,323.40 |
Norway |
50,000.00 |
Sweden (SIDA) |
20,647.99 |
Subtotal |
1.431.114.54 |
Other donors |
Aeon Group Environmental foundation (Japan) |
7,958.62 |
Amway Japan Ltd. |
14,615.39 |
ASCII (Japan) |
525,154.00 |
Bdeir, I. (Jordan) |
5,000.00 |
Canadian Council for Human Resources
in the Environment Industry
Dar Al-Handasah, K. (Jordan) |
5,000.00 |
DDI Corp. (Japan) |
1,799.24 |
Ebara Corp. (Japan) |
34,364.26 |
Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation for Co-operation with the UNU
(Japan) |
Environmental Information Center
(Japan) |
European Commission |
16,729.19 |
European Commission |
35,704.39 |
European Union Keep-in-Touch |
1,733.74 |
Fast Link (Jordan) |
20,000.00 |
Global Environment Facility (USA) |
1,286,349.00 |
IBRD (World Bank) |
5,000.00 |
IDRC (Canada) |
14,876.50 |
Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange (Japan)
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. |
1,799.24 |
Jumblat, T. (Jordan) |
3,000.00 |
Junta de Aqua y Saneamiento de Juarez
| 30,000.00
Kansai Digital Phone Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
575.76 |
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
1,799.24 |
Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research
12,254.90 |
Nippon Ericsson K.K. |
3,598.48 |
Nippon Foundation |
36,300.00 |
NTT Mobile Communication Network
Inc. (Japan)
1,799.24 |
NTT Personal Communications Network
Inc. (Japan)
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
3,598.48 |
Omron Corp. (Japan) |
3,598.48 |
R.I.O. IMPULS (Switzerland) |
8,600.00 |
Shimon Peres Center for Peace (Israel) |
2,600.00 |
Tokai Digital Phone Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
575.76 |
UN Development Programme (Malaysia) |
218,700.00 |
University of Macau (Macau) |
6,168.46 |
Subtotal |
2,458,206.89 |
Grand Total |
3,889,321.43 |