2nd Tohoku Session

Akita, Akita Prefecture, Japan,
27-30 July 2003

Written materials used for presentations by lecturers during the Session

Keynote Lecture 1: Prof. Motoyuki SUZUKI, Former Vice-Rector, Special Programme Advisor, UNU
“Role of United Nations System in Global Environmental Management”
[ English abstract ]    [ Japanese abstract ]     [ Japanese full text ]

Keynote Lecture 2: Mr. Yasushi AKASHI, Former Under-Secretary-General of the UN, Representative of the Government of Japan on Peace-Building, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Sri Lanka
“The Asian Region and Ethnic Problems”
[ Text to be prepared ]

Lecture 1: Dr. Tadahiro NAGATA, Director of Food Safety and Quality Division, National Food Research Institute
“Strategy for Food Safety”
[ English abstract ]    [ Japanese abstract ]

Lecture 2: Mr. Kenichi KAWAMURA, Director, Research Associations Sustainable Community
“Sustainable Development and Local Communities - Food and Security”
[ Japanese abstract ]

Lecture 3: Prof. Yoshihiko Imai, Kochi University
“Environmental Conservation and Multicultural Societies - Role of Traditional Culture”
[ No text ]

Lecture 4: Prof. Tetsu SADOTOMO, Nihon University
“Toward a Multicultural Community and Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia”
[ Japanese abstract ]

Lecture 5: Prof. Hajime MAKITA, Hirosaki University
“Construction of National Ecosystem of Shirakami-sanchi”
[ Japanese abstract ]

Lecture 6: Prof. Masaaki KOUMURA, Akita Prefectural University
“Perspective of People and Nature in Shirakami-sanchi, the world heritage”
[ Japanese abstract ]

Lecture 7: Dr. Peter J. MARCOTULLIO, Research Fellow, UNU/IAS
“Towards the eco-city: underpinnings of policies for eco-design”
[ English abstract ]

Lecture 8: Prof. Takehito TAKANO, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
“Quality of life in urban ecosystems: Healthy Cities approach as a policy package”
[ English abstract ]    [ Japanese abstract ]    [ Japanese full text ]