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UNU Global Seminar
1st Tohoku Session

uScience and Technology, Welfare, and Gender:
Local and Global Dimensions

¡DATE: 10`13 September 2002 (Tue.|Fri.)

Keynote Lecture: Sendai City Information & Industry Plaza
Seminar: Tohoku University
¡Organized by: United Nations University
¡Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Miyagi Government City of Sendai
¡Collaborating Universities: Tohoku University, Hirosaki University, Miyagi University, Tohoku Fukushi University, Iwate University, Tohoku Gakuin University, Akita University, Yamagata University, Fukushima University, Miyagi University of Education
¡Sponsored by: Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc, NTT DoCoMo Tohoku, Ltd., The 77 Bank, Ltd., IRIS OHYAMA INC., KAMEI CORPORATION, Kajima Corporation Tohoku Branch
¡Collaborating Media: ASAHI SHIMBUN SENDAI BUREAU, Kahoku Shimpo Publishing Co., The Sankei Shinbun, SENDAI TELEVISION BROADCASTING CORP., MIYAGI TELEVISION BROADCASTING CO., LTD, Higashi Nippon Broadcasting Co., Ltd.,
¡Secretariat: Tohoku Global Seminar Secretariat
United Nations University
5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Homepage: (Japanese) (English)
Office HoursF Mon.`Fri.@9F30`13F00 / 14F00`17F30
¡Deadline for application: Saturday, 10 August 2002


  The United Nations University (UNU) Global Seminars are aimed at deepening the understanding among students and young professionals in Japan of pressing issues that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States. Following the establishment of annual seminars in the Shonan, Kobe, Hokkaido, Okinawa, Shimane and Kanazawa areas, the first UNU Global Seminar-Tohoku Session will be held from 10-13 September 2002 at Tohoku University in Sendai.

  Under the theme of gScience and Technology, Welfare, and Gender: Local and Global Dimensions,h the seminar aims to shed light on the linkages between scientific and technological developments in the 21st century and issues of welfare and gender. In which ways do technological developments bear upon welfare and gender? Which are the global issues that arise from this linkage, what are the local reactions to these developments? How could our policy responses be improved? By engaging in discussions and an active exchange of opinion, seminar participants will develop a more focused outlook on these issues from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective. Two keynote lectures will provide an overview of the key issues of the seminar. They will be followed lectures and a panel discussion on topics including gScience, technology and daily life in the 21st Century,h gWelfare society in the 21st century,h gGender and welfare,h and gGender, science and technology.h The Opening Ceremony and the keynote lectures on 10 September will be open to the public.

  The seminar brings together distinguished scholars and practitioners from both Japan and abroad, who will not only give lectures, but also engage in an active exchange with the participants throughout the four-day seminar. If you are interested in issues of global concern or plan to pursue an international career or a career in service for your local community, the seminar will give you an excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge and to sharpen your analytical and discourse skills through an active dialogue with fellow participants, lecturers and the scholars involved in the seminar. We welcome applications from the Tohoku area and other regions of Japan.

Advisory Committee      (in alphabetical order)
Prof. Hiroyuki Abé President, Tohoku University

Prof. Masahiko Endo President, Hirosaki University
Prof. Tadashi Fukuda President, Miyagi University
Prof. Koki Hagino President, Tohoku Fukushi University
Prof. Kenichi Hirayama President, Iwate University
Prof. Isao Kuramatsu President, Tohoku Gakuin University
Prof. Akira Miura President, Akita University
Prof. Fujiro Sendo President, Yamagata University
Prof. Yoshikazu Usui President, Fukushima University
Prof. Kaoru Yokosuka President, Miyagi University of Education

Mr. Shiro Asano Governor, Miyagi Prefecture
Mr. Hajimu Fujii Mayor, City of Sendai

Mr. Toshiaki Yashima Chairperson, Tohoku Economic Federation
Mr. Iwao Muramatsu Chairperson, The Tohoku Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Prof. Akiko Yamanaka Visiting Professor, United Nations University

Programme Committee      (in alphabetical orderj

Prof. Soko Tanaka Tohoku University

Mr. Yoshio Endo Tohoku Economic Federation
Dr. Natsuko Hagiwara Miyagi Prefecture
Prof. Michihiro Hara Iwate University
Prof. Shuitsu Hino Tohoku University
Prof. Takamori Hongo Miyagi University of Education
Mr. Hirotada Ito Sendai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ms. Yoko Kamata Tohoku University
Prof. Akihiro Nakae Tohoku Fukushi University
Prof. Hiroshi Onji Miyagi University
Mr. Hirobumi Sakai City of Sendai
Prof. Tamotsu Shioya Tohoku Gakuin University
Prof. Takuo Sugawara Akita University
Prof. June Takahashi Fukushima University
Prof. Tadashi Tanno Hirosaki University
Mr. Toshikatsu Tomizawa Yamagata University

Seminar Programme

œOpening Ceremony
œKeynote Lecture‡T (Public Lecture):
 His Excellency. Mr. Afrab Seth
œKeynote Lectures‡U(Public Lecture)
 Mr. Shiro Asano
œKeynote LectureIII (Public Lecture):
 Mr. Karl Leifland
œGroup Meetings
œSession 1:
uScience, technology and daily life in the 21st Centuryv

Lecture 1: Prof. Yasutaka Iguchi
Lecture 2: Prof. Tadahiro Ohmi
œSession 2:
uWelfare society in the 21st centuryv

Lecture 3: Prof. Koichi Ogasawara
Lecture 4: Mr. Hitoshi Nakazato
œSession 3:
uGender and welfarev

Lecture 5:Prof. Mari Osawa

œSession 4:
uGender, science and technologyv
  Panel Discussion

    Dr. Natsuko Hagiwara
    Prof. Mariko Ogawa
    Mr. Shohei Yonemoto
    Prof. Azumi Tsuge

œField trip
  Visit NICHe

œGroup Discussion

œGroup Presentation
œPlenary Discussion
œClosing Ceremony
œFarewell Lunch
iProgramme contents may differ slightly depending on circumstances.j

Lecturers     (in alphabetical orderj

His Excellency Mr. Aftab Seth Ambassador of India in Japan
Mr. Shiro Asano Governor of Miyagi Prefecture
Mr. Karl Leifland Minister of the Embassy of Sweden in Japan
Dr. Yasutaka Iguchi Tohoku University
Prof. Tadahiro Ohmi Tohoku University
Prof. Koichi Ogasawara Saitama University
Mr. Hitoshi Nakazato Tohoku Welfare Association "Sendan no mori"
Prof. Mari Osawa University of Tokyo


Dr. Natsuko Hagiwara Miyagi Prefecture
Prof. Mariko Ogawa Mie University
Mr. Shohei Yonemoto Center of Life Science and Society
Prof. Azumi Tsuge Meiji Gakuin University

Application Information
Requirements for participation: The seminar is open to Japanese and foreign students at Japanese universities (undergraduate/graduate students), irrespective of their major. Young professional who are interested in the theme of the seminar are also welcome to apply. We will, however, not accept applications by professionals whose work is related directly to the subject area of the seminar. Since the lectures will be delivered both in English and Japanese, knowledge of both languages is essential.
Date: Date: 10`13 September 2002(Tue.-Fri.)

The seminar starts on 10 September at 1:00 p.m. and ends on 13 September after lunch. Further details will be communicated to the participants directly. All participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the seminar.

Venue: Opening ceremony, Keynote speeches, Welcome Reception:
Sendai City Information & Industry Plaza
Tel: 022-724-1200/ Fax: 022-724-1210

Lectures, Group discussions, Closing ceremony:
Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences

Sendai Dai-ichi Washington Hotel 2-3-1 Oomachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai City
Tel: 022-222-2111/ Fax: 022-222-2797

Number of participants: ‚T‚O
Fee: The participation fee of 30,000 Yen covers accommodation, meals, and seminar documentation. Transportation costs to the seminar site are not included. Foreign students not receiving a scholarship for their study in Japan may apply for a waiver of the participation fee.
Certificate: Each participant will receive a UNU certificate upon successful completion of the seminar.
Application: Please complete the enclosed application form [MS WORD/PDF] and send it, along with a brief essay explaining your reasons to apply for the UNU Global Seminar, to the following address:
Secretariat: Tohoku Global Seminar Secretariat
United Nations University
5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
TEL: 03-3499-2811 FAX: 03-3499-2828

Office hours:
Monday - Friday    AM 9:30 - 13:00/PM 14:00 - 17:30

Deadline for application : Saturday, 10 August 2002
Notification of Selection : Applications will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Successful candidates will be notified by the middle of August.


Bus: Sendai shiei: take off at g Sendai eki maeh and walk 3 minuets
Miyagi koutsu: take off at gSendai eki maeh and walk 3 minuets
Subway: take off at g Sendai stationh and walk 4 minuets
JR line: take off at g Sendai stationh and walk 2 minuets
