4th Shimane Session

University of Shimane, Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, Japan,
3-6 August 2003

Written materials used for presentations by lecturers during the Session

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Lecture 1 (public keynote lecture)
"Strategic issues concerning globalization challenges"
Professor Eduardo ANINAT
Universidad Católica de Chile

Lecture 2 (public keynote lecture)
"Human development theory - Policy agenda in the globalization age"
Professor NISHIKAWA Jun
School of Political Science & Economics, Waseda University
[ Abstract - English,   Japanese ]     [ Full text - Japanese ]    [ Presentation - Japanese ]

Lecture 3
"Economic development and governance"
Professor ESHO Hideki
Faculty of Economics, Hosei University
[ Outline - English ]     [ Full Text - Japanese ]

Lecture 4
"Local responses to globalization: Community approaches in Southeast Asia"
Prof. Lynn THIESMEYER, Faculty of Environmental Information, Keio University
[ Abstract - English,   Japanese    [ Full text - English ]

Lecture 5
"Development and justice"
Dr. C. Douglas LUMMIS, Political scientist
[ Abstract - English,   Japanese ]    [ Full text - English ]

Lecture 6
"Images and realities of human development and development cooperation"
Prof. MURATA Shun-ichi, School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University
[ Abstract - English,   Japanese     [ Full text - Japanese ]

Lecture 7
"Reconstructing development cooperation and the role of Japan"
Prof. SHIMOMURA Yasutami, Faculty of Humanity and Environment, Hosei University
[ Abstract - English,   Japanese ]    [ Full text - Japanese ]

Lecture 8
"NGO activities at the grass-roots level and community development"
Ms. TAKAHASHI Michiko, Chief, Research and Planning, OISCA - International
[ Abstract - English,   Japanese ]    [ Presentation - Japanese: Part 1,   Part 2 ]